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Sample GSM1923293 Query DataSets for GSM1923293
Status Public on Nov 03, 2015
Title Leucocytes_MS patient in relapse_rep14
Sample type RNA
Source name MS relapse
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue: leucocytes
disease state: MS relapse
gender: female
age: 34
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol LeucoLOCK Total RNA isolation system with the alternative protocol to recover small RNA fraction (ThermoFisher)
Label biotin
Label protocol Total RNA was labeled using FlashTag Biotin HSR RNA labeling kit (Genisphere)
Hybridization protocol GeneChip Hybridization, Wash and Stain kit was used for hybridization in a GeneChip Hybridization oven 640 and in a GeneChip Fluidics Station 450 using the protocol FS450-0003, as explained in the protocol provided by Affymetrix.
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned in a GeneChip 7G scanner and analysed in Affymetrix GeneChip Command Console Scan Control v4.0.0.1567.
Description mir09-238BM
Data processing Quality control, summarization and normalization of the data were performed with miRNA QC Tool v. following the following workflow: Background detection, RMA Global Background correction, Quantile normalization and summarization with median polish.
Submission date Nov 02, 2015
Last update date Nov 03, 2015
Contact name Maider Muñoz-Culla
Organization name Biodonostia Institute
Street address Paseo Dr.Begiristain s/n
City San Sebastian
ZIP/Postal code 20014
Country Spain
Platform ID GPL8786
Series (2)
GSE74579 Small nucleolar RNA and microRNA expression data from multiple sclerosis patients in relapse and remission.
GSE74586 SncRNA (microRNA & snoRNA) expression in leucocytes from multiple sclerosis relapse and remission and cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 intensity signal after normalization and summarization.
Detection p-value

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Detection p-value Detection
ACA59_s_st 1.17454 0.7760395 False
ACA35_st 0.8946998 0.9703985 False
U17a_st 4.904771 0.008561674 True
U17a_x_st 2.331295 0.001406086 True
U17b_st 9.765015 2.20E-16 True
U17b_x_st 8.256075 5.80E-10 True
HBII-420_st 5.417326 1.76E-07 True
ACA61_st 4.547718 2.96E-08 True
ACA44_st 6.050128 3.93E-07 True
ACA16_st 3.052135 0.04532009 True
ACA16_x_st 4.311707 0.005841457 True
U103_s_st 4.846087 5.87E-07 True
HBII-251_st 4.533002 5.15E-06 True
ACA55_st 1.616684 0.6217653 False
U55_st 10.92623 7.21E-17 True
U55_x_st 11.827 1.55E-17 True
U46_st 5.393356 6.66E-06 True
U46_x_st 5.167459 1.93E-06 True
U38A_st 8.411306 1.15E-14 True
U38B_st 8.265628 2.85E-13 True

Total number of rows: 7625

Table truncated, full table size 301 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1923293_mir09-238BM.CEL.gz 158.3 Kb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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