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Sample GSM1892483 Query DataSets for GSM1892483
Status Public on Dec 31, 2018
Title BAL_SARC_2
Sample type RNA
Source name SARC_BAL cells
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics diagnosis: SARC
cohort: Freiburg
age (yrs): 41
gender (male=1): 0
cell type: bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Isolation protocol: BAL cells were obtained by bronchoscopy, immediately isolated and 1 ml of TRIzol was added to the cell pellet, which was then immediately snap frozen in -80 celsius.
Trizol extraction of total RNA was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol Biotinylated cRNA were prepared according to the standard Affymetrix protocol from total RNA
Hybridization protocol Following fragmentation, cRNA were hybridized on Affymetrix Whole-Transcript Human Gene 1.0 ST Array. GeneChips were washed and stained in the Affymetrix Fluidics Station 400.
Scan protocol GeneChips were scanned using a CGS30007G scanner (serialnumber 54713600)
Description HUGENE-1_0-ST-V1 SARC_2
Data processing Raw CEL files were RMA normalized using the R/Bioconductor package oligo (V.1.32.0) with default settings. Gene expression data was normalized to the geometric mean of all samples using quantile normalization and expression levels were summarized.
Submission date Sep 24, 2015
Last update date Dec 31, 2018
Contact name Antje Prasse
Organization name Medical School Hannover
Department Pneumology
Lab Prasse OE6870
Street address Carl-Neubergstrasse 1
City Hannover
ZIP/Postal code 30625
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL10739
Series (2)
GSE70867 BAL cell gene expression is predictive of Mortality in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and enriched for Genes of Airway Basal Cells
GSE73394 BAL cell gene expression is predictive of Mortality in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and enriched for Genes of Airway Basal Cells (III)

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA singal intensity

Data table
7892501 4.634946374
7892502 5.266405803
7892503 4.884182603
7892504 9.915493214
7892505 3.99536357
7892506 5.552502241
7892507 5.502332722
7892508 7.560438101
7892509 11.41494239
7892510 5.033932161
7892511 5.71589087
7892512 7.550357465
7892513 4.794255903
7892514 11.38884352
7892515 10.06496079
7892516 5.713631803
7892517 7.669396491
7892518 4.641051894
7892519 5.434457144
7892520 9.403483646

Total number of rows: 257430

Table truncated, full table size 4996 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1892483_HUGENE-1_0-ST-V1_SARC_2.CEL.gz 4.1 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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