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Sample GSM1716255 Query DataSets for GSM1716255
Status Public on Nov 01, 2015
Title Lung_HZ1745_H3K27ac
Sample type SRA
Source name Lung
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics tissue: normal lung
genotype: EZH2 overexpressing
Growth protocol Fresh murine lung tumor nodules were minced and cultured in 100-mm dishes with RPMI-1640/10% FBS/1% penicillin–streptomycin. H661 and H292 cells (obtained from American Type Culture Collection) were cultured in RPMI-1640/10% FBS/1% penicillin–streptomycin.
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Mouse lung tissue was pulverized using Covaris Tissue Smasher model CP02 by following the CryoPrep Dry Pulverization Manuel. Lung tissue was smashed 1-2 times on setting 4 in the tissueTUBE (Covaris #520071). Approximately 50mg of pulverized lung tissue was cross-linked with prewarmed 1% formaldehyde (ThermoScientific #28906 diluted in PBS) for 20 minutes at 37°C. The tissue was spun down at 1,000rpm for 2 minutes and quenched with 0.125M glycine in PBS + 0.5% BSA for 20 minutes at room temperature, spun down at 1,000rpm for 2 minutes and washed with PBS + 2x Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (PIC) (Roche #11873580001) + 5mM Sodium Butyrate (Millipore #19-137) then spun down at 1,000rpm for 2 minutes. The cross-linked tissue was then lysed with 390uL ChIP Lysis Buffer (1% SDS, 10nM EDTA pH8.0, 50mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 2x PIC and 5mM Sodium Butyrate) on ice for one hour. The lysate was split into 3 microTUBEs (Covaris #520045) and sheared on the Covaris E210 Series with 5% Duty Cycle, 5 Intensity, 200 Cycles per Burst for a total of 27 minutes. The sheared chromatin was spun down at 14,000rpm for 15 minutes at 4°C. An aliquot of input was saved while the remaining chromatin was snap frozen and stored at -80°C. Input was brought up to 100ul with TE, 10ug of RNAseA (Roche) added and incubated for 30 minutes at 37°C followed by addition of 100ug of Proteinase K (Roche) and incubation at 65°C overnight. Input was purified with Qiagen PCR Purification Kit (#28104) and quantified
The prepared chromatin was thawed on ice while 10ug of antibodies against either H3K27ac (Abcam #Ab4729) or H3K27me3 (Cell Signaling #CS9733S) were conjugated to a mix of magnetic Protein A and Protein G coupled beads (Invitrogen #100.02D and #100.04D respectively) in the presence of 0.5% BSA in PBS with rotation at 4°C for 2 hours. Beads were washed 3 times with 0.5%BSA in PBS and either 5ug of chromatin was added to the H3K27ac ChIP or 10ug of chromatin was added to the H3K27me3 ChIP and rotated overnight at 4°C. The beads were washed 2 times with Tris based RIPA buffer (0.1% SDS, 1% Triton X-100, 10mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 1mM EDTA pH 8.0, 0.1% Sodium Deoxycholate), 2 times with 0.3M NaCl RIPA (0.1% SDS, 1% Triton X-100, 10mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 1mM EDTA pH 8.0, 0.1% Sodium Deoxycholate, 0.3M NaCl), 2 times with LiCl Buffer (250mM LiCl, 0.5% NP-40, 0.5% Sodium Deoxycholate, 1mM EDTA pH 8.0, 10mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0) and 2 times with TE buffer pH 7.6 (Fisher Scientific cat. no. BP2474-1). The beads were resuspended in 100uL of TE and RNAseA and PK digested/reverse crosslinked and purified as described in the chromatin prep.
Library strategy ChIP-Seq
Library source genomic
Library selection ChIP
Instrument model Illumina NextSeq 500
Description Chromatin IP against H3K27ac in EZH2 overexpressing normal lung
Data processing Images analysis and base calling was done using the solexa pipeline.
For all samples reads were aligned to their indicated build using bowtie with parameters -n 2 -e 70 -m 2 -k 2 --best -l 40. Seed length (-l) was set to read length for each dataset.
Genome_build: mm9
Supplementary_files_format_and_content: WIG files: For all samples aligned sequences processed through MACS 1.4.2 and fragment pileup was outputted in .wig format
Submission date Jun 19, 2015
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name James Bradner
Organization name Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Department Medical Oncology
Lab Bradner Lab
Street address 450 Brookline
City Boston
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02215
Country USA
Platform ID GPL19057
Series (2)
GSE70045 Oncogenic deregulation of EZH2 as an opportunity for targeted therapy in lung cancer [ChIP-Seq]
GSE70047 Oncogenic deregulation of EZH2 as an opportunity for targeted therapy in lung cancer
BioSample SAMN03783059
SRA SRX1066693

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1716255_Lung_HZ1745_H3K27ac.wig.gz 97.1 Mb (ftp)(http) WIG
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Raw data are available in SRA
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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