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Sample GSM1637354 Query DataSets for GSM1637354
Status Public on Feb 01, 2016
Title blood-Control_6463R
Sample type genomic
Source name peripheral blood
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics phenotype: Control
tissue: peripheral blood
Treatment protocol None
Growth protocol None
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood using MagNA Pure LC 2.0 System. DNA quality and quantity was assessed using a Nanodrop Spectrophotometer and agarose gel electrophoresis.
Label Biotin
Label protocol As per manufacturer (Affymetrix)
Hybridization protocol DNA was restriction digested, PCR amplified, fragmented, labeled and hybridized to each array according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Scan protocol The Arrays were then washed using Affymetrix fluidics stations, and images were obtained using an Affymetrix GeneChip® Scanner 3000.
Data processing CEL files were processed using Affymetrix Power Tools (APT v1.15.0) using Birdseed v2 calling algorithm.
Submission date Mar 18, 2015
Last update date Feb 01, 2016
Contact name Joaquin Dopazo
Organization name Centro de Investigacion Principe Felipe
Department Systems Biology
Street address Eduardo Primo Yúfera, 3
City Valencia
State/province Valencia
ZIP/Postal code 46012
Country Spain
Platform ID GPL6801
Series (1)
GSE67047 Genome-wide association and epistatic studies in sporadic medullary and juvenile papillary thyroid carcinomas

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Genotype Call (SNP call): AA, AB, BB, NC, and NoCall
SIGNAL A Summarized signal
SIGNAL B Summarized signal

Data table
SNP_A-2131660 BB 0.005652 BB 1047.028320 3794.243896
SNP_A-1967418 BB 0.024761 BB 387.655426 635.982422
SNP_A-1969580 BB 0.016254 BB 1679.345825 5067.126953
SNP_A-4263484 BB 0.006609 BB 514.141113 1377.403931
SNP_A-1978185 AA 0.005883 AA 1177.201660 333.165100
SNP_A-4264431 AA 0.067042 AA 1397.217529 531.567688
SNP_A-1980898 AB 0.011114 AB 536.575256 659.433289
SNP_A-1983139 AA 0.000468 AA 2970.539307 809.806091
SNP_A-4265735 AA 0.007536 AA 2814.886963 945.327332
SNP_A-1995832 AB 0.015585 AB 2210.389648 1935.776367
SNP_A-1995893 AB 0.004936 AB 1740.306885 1675.993652
SNP_A-1997689 BB 0.006001 BB 659.433289 2627.719971
SNP_A-1997709 AA 0.003010 AA 2001.416504 422.871552
SNP_A-1997896 AA 0.006641 AA 1653.999146 669.848816
SNP_A-1997922 AB 0.012956 AB 432.158752 461.554138
SNP_A-2000230 AA 0.004832 AA 1962.872314 1027.014038
SNP_A-2000332 AA 0.003525 AA 3940.986572 959.366699
SNP_A-2000337 AA 0.007597 AA 1057.100342 420.415039
SNP_A-2000342 AA 0.016461 AA 2263.333252 851.304565
SNP_A-4268173 AA 0.001528 AA 1749.632935 402.255127

Total number of rows: 909622

Table truncated, full table size 46141 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1637354_6463R_GenomeWideSNP_6_.CEL.gz 28.5 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM1637354_6463R_GenomeWideSNP_6_.birdseed-v2.chp.gz 13.1 Mb (ftp)(http) CHP
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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