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Sample GSM157844 Query DataSets for GSM157844
Status Public on Jan 26, 2007
Title S._cerevisiae_RM11-1a/BY4741_OD600=1_8-replicates-dye-swapping
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name RM11-1a
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics S. cerevisiae RM11-1a strain
Treatment protocol S. cerevisiae RM11-1a strain was grown to OD600=1 with YPAD media.
Growth protocol S. cerevisiae RM11-1a strain was grown to OD600=1 with YPAD media.
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol The yeast cells were harvested at the OD600=1.0 and the total RNAs were extracted by the hot acid phenol-chloroform method.
The mRNA was isolated by using the QIAGEN Oligotex mRNA purification kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Label cy5/cy3
Label protocol amino-allyl dye coupling procedure
1. 1 μl 0.5 M NaHCO3, pH 9.0 + 9 μl Aminoallyl-cDNA solution (final 50 mM)
2. Transfer 1. to microfuge tube containing dried down dye**
3. Pipet up and down
4. R/T 1 hr in the dark
5. Mix and spin every 15 min
Channel 2
Source name BY4741
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics S. cerevisiae BY4741 strain
Treatment protocol S. cerevisiae BY4741 strain was grown to OD600=1 with YPAD media.
Growth protocol S. cerevisiae BY4741 strain was grown to OD600=1 with YPAD media.
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol The yeast cells were harvested at the OD600=1.0 and the total RNAs were extracted by the hot acid phenol-chloroform method.
The mRNA was isolated by using the QIAGEN Oligotex mRNA purification kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Label cy3/cy5
Label protocol amino-allyl dye coupling procedure
1. 1 μl 0.5 M NaHCO3, pH 9.0 + 9 μl Aminoallyl-cDNA solution (final 50 mM)
2. Transfer 1. to microfuge tube containing dried down dye**
3. Pipet up and down
4. R/T 1 hr in the dark
5. Mix and spin every 15 min
Hybridization protocol The hybridization of cDNA samples to the probes were done with the MAUI hybridization System (Biomicro) at 42oC for 16 hours.
1. Incubate arrays in pre-hybridization buffer, 42℃, 30-60 min
Final conc. Volume
5X SSC 12.5 ml
0.1% SDS 0.5 ml
0.1 mg/ml BSA 0.5 ml
ddH2O 36.5 ml
Total 50 ml
2. Wash array by immersing in water
3. Dry by centrifugation ~ 5 min
1. Prepare probe in fresh hybridization solution in 0.5 ml tube
Final conc. Volume
Labeled cDNA 42 μl
5X SSC 15 μl
0.1% SDS 3 μl
Total 60 μl
2. denature the probe at 98℃ for 3 min, pop-spin, and cool to R/T
3. Place in hybridization chamber
4. Hybridize in 42℃ hybridizer (MAUI hybridization system) for 16 hr
Post-hybridization (Washing)
(Pre-warm the washing buffers in 30℃)
1. Dissemble the hybridization chamber
2. Immerse in 30℃-prewarmed (2X SSC+0.1% SDS), peel off the coverslip
3. Wash in 30℃-prewarmed (2X SSC+0.1% SDS) in R/T, 5 min
4. Wash in 30℃-prewarmed (0.1X SSC, 0.1% SDS) in R/T, 5 min
5. Wash in 30℃-prewarmed 0.1X SSC, in R/T, 5 min
6. Dry by centrifuge, scan
Scan protocol The microarray was scanned with GenePix 4000B microarray scanner (Axon Instruments) with the GenePix 5 software package.
Description We could like to know the expression divergency of S. cerevisiae strains RM11-1a and BY4741.
Yeast strains were grown in YPAD and harvested at the mid-log phrase. Overnight yeast cultures were used to prepare the starting cultures with OD600=0.1 and were grown in YPAD media at 30oC with 250 rpm shaking. The yeast cells were harvested at the OD600=1.0 and the total RNAs were extracted by the hot acid phenol-chloroform method.
Data processing See linked supplementary file: GSM157844_Data_processing.pdf
Submission date Jan 23, 2007
Last update date Jan 25, 2007
Contact name Huang-Mo Sung
Phone 886-2-27898756
Organization name Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Department Genomics Research Center
Lab Dr. Wen-Hsiung Li
Street address 128 Sec.2 Academia Rd.
City Taipei
ZIP/Postal code 115
Country Taiwan
Platform ID GPL4773
Series (1)
GSE6848 Expression evolution in yeast genes of single-input modules is mainly due to changes in trans-acting factors

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log(RM11-1a/BY4741)
gamma gamma
Aaverage average
T score T score
P-value p-value

Data table
ID_REF VALUE gamma Aaverage T score P-value
422 0.011747162 -0.241981604 8.587867849 0.5986465 0.723048842
5797 -0.042202033 0.046954862 9.04177364 -3.65371829 0.000473253
4117 -0.028705478 -0.120531317 13.10901583 -2.267051915 0.015378087
2437 0.032933434 0.041837175 9.631523234 3.004894501 0.997338005
757 -0.062949369 -0.233636207 12.95178984 -2.968722939 0.002915103
5713 -0.010216142 0.128275402 12.70025924 -1.301839225 0.101281237
4033 -0.016610941 0.193567265 12.46248401 -1.082750442 0.143772744
2353 -0.046809092 -0.023488256 8.503865249 -3.364632921 0.001055423
673 0.03737391 -0.665776038 7.665224704 1.819671011 0.960599104
5629 -0.024014572 0.26140877 8.050550133 -1.536908747 0.067230443
3949 0.110062418 0.051209357 11.24881731 6.47984389 0.999999992
2269 -0.011192939 0.077583133 9.790114518 -0.978376566 0.167856202
589 -0.013431883 0.082258705 9.346950377 -1.01488095 0.159139082
5545 -0.053325924 0.051663625 9.532724864 -3.714904177 0.000400647
3865 -0.021414687 -0.150208674 10.15590174 -1.366978019 0.09089453
2185 -0.026348132 0.070320128 10.76033339 -2.362844824 0.012407518
505 0.044457472 -0.012299266 8.454292201 3.416627899 0.999079403
5882 0.014095975 -0.190752796 10.03068669 1.06145182 0.851522317
4202 0.039952134 0.156964894 8.861063139 3.350235198 0.998904001
2522 0.018702877 -0.067678787 9.808934376 1.963648651 0.970551119

Total number of rows: 6227

Table truncated, full table size 399 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM157844_1.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_10.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_11.gpr.gz 1.2 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_12.gpr.gz 1.2 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_13.gpr.gz 1.2 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_14.gpr.gz 1.2 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_15.gpr.gz 1.2 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_16.gpr.gz 1.2 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_2.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_3.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_4.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_5.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_6.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_7.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_8.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_9.gpr.gz 1.3 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
GSM157844_Data_processing.pdf.gz 23.0 Kb (ftp)(http) PDF

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