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Sample GSM1573013 Query DataSets for GSM1573013
Status Public on Jun 03, 2015
Title Temporal of subject 487 (Sample173)
Sample type genomic
Source name Brain Temporal
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue: Brain Temporal
subject id: 487
Sex: F
predicted gender: female
age: 112
dna methylation age: 80.193838966164
age acceleration with respect to noncerebellar samples: -3.77877371218678
cor sample vs gold standard: 0.893559565863831
mean abs difference sample vs gold standard: 0.0861642277182627
postmortem interval: NA
Growth protocol DNA extracted from fresh frozen tissue
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol genomic DNA was extracted and purified from fresh frozen tissue using the AllPrep DNA/RNA mini kit according to standard instructions.
Label Cy3 and Cy5
Label protocol Standard Illumina Protocol
Hybridization protocol bisulphite converted DNA was amplified, fragmented and hybridised to Illumina Infinium Human Methylation450 Beadchip using standard Illumina protocol
Scan protocol Arrays were imaged using BeadArray Reader using standard recommended Illumina scanner setting
Data processing BeadStudio software v3.2.
Unmethylated and methylated signal intensities and detection p values included in Series supplementary file
Submission date Dec 24, 2014
Last update date Jun 03, 2015
Contact name Steve Horvath
Organization name University of California, Los Angeles
Department Human Genetics
Lab Horvath
Street address 695 Charles E. Young Drive South, Box 708822
City Los Angeles
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 90095-7088
Country USA
Platform ID GPL13534
Series (2)
GSE64509 DNA methylation profiles of human brain tissue samples
GSE64511 DNA methylation profiles of multiple human tissues

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Background corrected beta values resulting from BeadStudio

Data table
cg00000029 0.4699496
cg00000108 0.918304
cg00000109 0.6931303
cg00000165 0.1680088
cg00000236 0.8118609
cg00000289 0.5959926
cg00000292 0.6275285
cg00000321 0.5278693
cg00000363 0.1110513
cg00000622 0.01500454
cg00000658 0.8294987
cg00000714 0.08772357
cg00000721 0.8915507
cg00000734 0.04634795
cg00000769 0.04153538
cg00000807 0.9209453
cg00000884 0.844523
cg00000905 0.0863459
cg00000924 0.6796299
cg00000948 0.9268941

Total number of rows: 485577

Table truncated, full table size 10036 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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