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Sample GSM1519593 Query DataSets for GSM1519593
Status Public on Oct 07, 2014
Title CD161+_2
Sample type RNA
Source name CD4 T cells
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue: Peripheral Blood cells
cell type: CD4+ T cells
Treatment protocol CD4+ T cells were enriched using EasySep human CD4 enrichment kit, and CD161+ and CD161- cells then selected by anti-PE microbeads (Miltenyi Biotec)
Growth protocol Cells taken ex vivo from healthy donors and separated using Ficoll centrifugation
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was extracted from cells using a Qiagen Rneasy kit
Label Cy3
Label protocol Biotinylated cRNA Probes were prepared using illumina TotalPrep-96 Ambion # 4393543
Hybridization protocol A total of 750ng of biotin-labeled cRNA from each sample was used in the hybridization process at 58C for 18 h. The hybridized BeadChip was washed and labeled with streptavidin-Cy3 according to the Illumina protocols.
Scan protocol Chips were scanned with Illumina BeadArray Reader accordingly
Description Gene expression in CD161+ CD4+ T cells
Data processing GenomeStudio (Illumina Inc) was used for data extraction accordingly
Submission date Oct 06, 2014
Last update date Oct 07, 2014
Contact name Joannah R Fergusson
Organization name University of Oxford
Department Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research
Street address South Parks Road
City Oxford
State/province select a state
ZIP/Postal code OX1 3SY
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL6884
Series (2)
GSE62095 CD161 defines a transcriptional and functional phenotype shared across distinct human T cell lineages (CD4)
GSE62099 CD161 defines a transcriptional and functional phenotype shared across distinct human T cell lineages

Data table header descriptions
VALUE vsn-normalised signal intensities
Detection Pval

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Detection Pval
ILMN_1762337 5.781074102 0.41502
ILMN_2055271 5.99232577 0.1357
ILMN_1736007 6.019885715 0.11199
ILMN_2383229 5.783085988 0.40448
ILMN_1806310 5.589747502 0.75362
ILMN_1779670 6.07347474 0.07246
ILMN_2321282 5.725664747 0.51647
ILMN_1671474 6.006171552 0.12385
ILMN_1772582 5.665862994 0.63109
ILMN_1735698 6.070183116 0.0751
ILMN_1653355 6.428688388 0.00659
ILMN_1717783 5.727755349 0.51383
ILMN_1705025 5.983604189 0.14097
ILMN_1814316 5.621576973 0.68775
ILMN_2359168 5.710945093 0.54282
ILMN_1731507 5.454905029 0.88669
ILMN_1787689 5.554846754 0.79578
ILMN_1745607 5.626067253 0.67984
ILMN_2136495 5.931952112 0.19368
ILMN_1668111 5.670217735 0.62319

Total number of rows: 48802

Table truncated, full table size 1498 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data are available on Series record

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