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Sample GSM1516173 Query DataSets for GSM1516173
Status Public on Dec 17, 2015
Title MDM-4h-dex100nM-rep4
Sample type RNA
Source name monocyte derived macrophage
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics source: fully anonymized volunteers
cell type: monocyte derived macrophage
time: 4h
treatment: dex 100nM
Treatment protocol Samples were treated with 100nM dexamethasone (Sigma) for the indicated duration
Growth protocol CD14+ monocytes were extracted from whole blood donated by healthy volunteers using MACS separation (Miltenyi). They were differentiated in culture for 1 week in the presence of recombinant human CSF1 (10000U/ml),penicillin/streptomycin, Glutamax and 10% fetal calf serum then replated in fresh medium, also supplemented as above, for the time series experiment.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was extracted using the RNeasy kit (Qiagen) and quality assessed using an 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent )
Label biotin
Label protocol Standard affymetrix protocols, Performed by Edinburgh Genomics.
Hybridization protocol Standard affymetrix protocols using GeneTitan. Performed by Edinburgh Genomics.
Scan protocol Standard affymetrix protocols using GeneTitan. Performed by Edinburgh Genomics.
Data processing Raw data was processed using R/Bioconductor: arrayQualityMetrics for quality control and the rma algorithm in the affy package to generate expression values.
Submission date Sep 29, 2014
Last update date Dec 17, 2015
Contact name Alasdair W Jubb
Organization name University of Edinburgh
Department Roslin Institute
Lab Hume lab / Bickmore lab (MRC HGU)
Street address The Roslin Institute
City Easter Bush
State/province Midlothian
ZIP/Postal code EH25 9RG
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL13158
Series (2)
GSE61880 Expression response of human monocyte derived macrophages to dexamethasone over a 24h time series
GSE61881 Divergent transcriptional activation by glucocorticoids in mouse and human macrophages is the result of gain and loss of enhancers

Data table header descriptions
VALUE unlogged rma signal

Data table
1007_PM_s_at 68.40627599
1053_PM_at 114.0602033
117_PM_at 53.1717345
121_PM_at 74.63270022
1255_PM_g_at 6.364501887
1294_PM_at 126.7829791
1316_PM_at 43.25319923
1320_PM_at 7.245581903
1405_PM_i_at 18.85671434
1431_PM_at 6.748214836
1438_PM_at 7.472507373
1487_PM_at 105.1499255
1494_PM_f_at 11.04891918
1552256_PM_a_at 358.906162
1552257_PM_a_at 157.0598491
1552258_PM_at 6.501499958
1552261_PM_at 6.762996909
1552263_PM_at 327.250251
1552264_PM_a_at 235.4367527
1552266_PM_at 6.000610327

Total number of rows: 54715

Table truncated, full table size 1373 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1516173_H4_4.CEL.gz 2.0 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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