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Sample GSM1450439 Query DataSets for GSM1450439
Status Public on Nov 30, 2014
Title TU_ILBC_4
Sample type genomic
Source name PrimaryTumorTissue
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics tissue type: Tumor
tissue subtype: Invasive Lobular breast carcinoma
sample type: fresh-frozen
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol DNA was extracted by Proteinase K treatment with subsequent phenol-chloroform extraction
Label Cy3 and Cy5
Label protocol Standard Illumina Protocol
Hybridization protocol Bisulfite converted genomic DNA was amplified, fragmented, and hybridized to Illumina´s Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip according to the manufacturer’s protocol
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned using BeadArray Reader according to the manufacturer´s instructions
Description 5723646029_R02C02
Data processing GenomeStudio® Methylation module software (version 1.9, Illumina Inc.) was used to calculate beta-values and corresponding p-values, by normalizing over internal controls
Submission date Jul 30, 2014
Last update date Nov 30, 2014
Contact name Jessica Rößler
Organization name Medical School Hannover
Department Pathology
Street address Carl-Neuberg Str. 1
City Hannover
ZIP/Postal code 30625
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL13534
Series (2)
GSE59901 DNA methylation study in breast cancer [methylation]
GSE59903 DNA methylation study in breast cancer

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Average beta-values; Intensity; Detection p-values
Detection Pval

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Intensity Detection Pval
cg00000029 0.2084381 4599.945 0
cg00000108 0.8954944 7850.533 0
cg00000109 0.798844 3756.558 0
cg00000165 0.3429995 3273.655 0
cg00000236 0.8349429 4841.615 0
cg00000289 0.5986328 2922.144 0
cg00000292 0.7245302 12444.55 0
cg00000321 0.2632997 6985.313 0
cg00000363 0.3351816 13857.86 0
cg00000622 0.01797271 17610.62 0
cg00000658 0.8093432 10171.68 0
cg00000714 0.1516753 21961.8 0
cg00000721 0.8913677 4918.726 0
cg00000734 0.1102916 13640.93 0
cg00000769 0.06253009 12727.95 0
cg00000807 0.8223045 16249.96 0
cg00000884 0.8010316 4254.48 0
cg00000905 0.09219761 5307.229 0
cg00000924 0.4562656 17542.21 0
cg00000948 0.8052826 14239.77 0

Total number of rows: 485577

Table truncated, full table size 15178 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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