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Sample GSM1197665 Query DataSets for GSM1197665
Status Public on Jan 15, 2014
Title ChorionicVilli_CPM16_3rd_5
Sample type genomic
Source name placental chorionic villus
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics gestational age (weeks): 36
Sex: F
genotype: confined placental mosaicism
tissue: placental chorionic villus
Treatment protocol NA
Growth protocol NA
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Genomic DNA was purified using the Dneasy Blood and Tissue kit (Qiagen) followed by bisufite conversion using the EZ DNA methylation kit (Zymo) following manufacturer's protocols.
Label Cy5 and Cy3
Label protocol Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip Protocol
Hybridization protocol Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip Protocol
Scan protocol Arrays were imaged using Illumina iScan on a two-color channel
Description EOPET
Data processing GenomeStudio 2011.1 software and R version 2.14.0
Submission date Jul 30, 2013
Last update date May 17, 2016
Contact name Wendy Robinson
Organization name University of British Columbia
Department Medical Genetics
Lab Robinosn
Street address 950 W 28th Ave
City Vancouver
State/province BC
ZIP/Postal code V5Z 4H4
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL13534
Series (1)
GSE49343 Overlapping DNA methylation profile between placentas with trisomy 16 and early-onset preeclampsia

Data table header descriptions
VALUE normalized Average Beta consisting of background subtraction in GenomeStudio, color correction (lumi Bioconductor package) and probe type correction (SWAN, bioconductor package).
CPM1651.Detection Pval

Data table
ID_REF VALUE CPM1651.Detection Pval
cg00000029 0.087791 0
cg00000108 0.967503352 0
cg00000109 0.921455601 0
cg00000165 0.734110789 0
cg00000236 0.871458383 0
cg00000289 0.770879253 0
cg00000292 0.840085736 0
cg00000321 0.629179344 0
cg00000363 0.421115968 0
cg00000622 0.027872295 0
cg00000658 0.862334856 0
cg00000714 0.388534263 0
cg00000721 0.921695537 0
cg00000734 0.079341082 0
cg00000769 0.092216979 0
cg00000807 0.480229116 0
cg00000884 0.755726173 0
cg00000905 0.075352372 0
cg00000924 0.62124754 0
cg00000948 0.693575047 0

Total number of rows: 445398

Table truncated, full table size 10834 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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