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Sample GSM1131292 Query DataSets for GSM1131292
Status Public on Nov 04, 2013
Title ad libitum chow, 24h, skeletal muscle, biological replicate 5
Sample type RNA
Source name skeletal muscle from C57BL/6 mice, ad libitum, 24h
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics gender: male
strain: C57Bl/6
age: 10-12 weeks
tissue: skeletal muscle
Treatment protocol Food was withdrawn from the fasting group (n=5) for 24 hours.
Growth protocol mice were kept under standard conditions according to the institutional guidelines of the University of Pennsylvania. Mice were kept with normal chow diet in a 12h day/ 12h night cycle.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Trizol extraction of total RNA was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol Biotinylated cRNA were prepared according to the standard Affymetrix protocol from 150ng total RNA.
Hybridization protocol Genechip hybridization, wash, stain and scan were performed using the GeneTitan hyb-wash-stain kit (Affymetrix) and GeneTitan Instrument.
Scan protocol GeneTitan instrument was used for scanning.
Description gene expression of skeletal muscle of ad libitum fed male C57Bl/6 mice
Data processing Raw array data were automatically collected by GeneTitan. Data were normalized using default RMA method within Partek Genomics Suite software. A two-way ANOVA model with an interaction term between diet (fed or fasted) and tissue (liver, skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue) was set up. Pairwise comparisons were made between fed and fasted diet for each tissue. The resulting p-values of significance were corrected for multiple testing using Benjamini-Hochberg's false discovery rate (FDR) method. Genes within 5% FDR and changed at least by 1.3-fold in either direction were called differentially expressed.
Submission date Apr 30, 2013
Last update date Nov 04, 2013
Contact name Andreas Prokesch
Organization name Medical University Graz
Department Institute of Cell Biology, Histology, and Embryology
Street address Harrachgasse 21/7
City Graz
State/province Styria
ZIP/Postal code 8010
Country Austria
Platform ID GPL11533
Series (1)
GSE46495 Transcriptome signature of white adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle in 24 hours fasted mice (C57Bl/6J)

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA normalized log2 intensities

Data table
10605815 10.8457
10390103 11.6782
10406823 3.22492
10424979 6.01589
10447951 6.61327
10559790 6.60479
10442625 5.51195
10543017 11.5943
10469867 9.07906
10458046 11.0757
10505779 5.4174
10443730 5.4085
10544148 10.3726
10476383 6.89186
10503259 7.97087
10529858 9.87975
10495562 9.97437
10472212 7.64122
10556456 10.6978
10355567 9.21684

Total number of rows: 28815

Table truncated, full table size 475 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1131292_3502_19475_fedM5_MoGene1_1ST.CEL.gz 4.4 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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