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Sample GSM1110438 Query DataSets for GSM1110438
Status Public on Mar 29, 2013
Title person2907_postpartum_euthymic_tempus
Sample type RNA
Source name whole blood
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics treatment: None
tissue: peripheral blood
individual: person 2907
time: postpartum
condition: euthymic
Treatment protocol none
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was isolated from peripheral blood collected in Tempus RNA tubes (Applied Biosystems, Darmstadt, Germany) at all three investigated time points for each woman in the discovery sample as well as during the third trimester only for the replication sample. RNA was isolated using the Versagene kit (Gentra Systems, Minneapolis, U.S.A.), quantified using the Nanophotometer and quality checks were performed on the Agilent Bioanalyzer.
Label biotin
Label protocol biotin
Hybridization protocol Illumina protocol
Scan protocol Illumina protocol
Description Sample name: 82
Data processing Microarray expression analysis was performed in R, using beadarray (providing routines to handle Illumina BeadStudio data) , limma (for statistical routines) and vsn (for normalization) packages. Raw microarray scan files were exported using the Illumina Beadstudio program and loaded into R for downstream analysis. The data were transformed and normalized using the variance stabilizing normalization method. Of the probes present on the Human HT-12v4, a total of 15456 probes passing the filter criteria of Illumina probe detection p-value of < 0.01 in at least 10% of the samples were used for subsequent analysis.
Submission date Mar 28, 2013
Last update date Mar 29, 2013
Contact name Divya Mehta
Organization name MPI
Street address Kraepelinstrasse2
City Munich
ZIP/Postal code 80804
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL10558
Series (1)
GSE45603 Gene Expression Profiles Predict Postpartum-onset Depression Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log transformation and vsn normalization (AVG.Signal)
Detection Pval

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Detection Pval
ILMN_1343291 14.67 0
ILMN_1343295 10.95 0
ILMN_1651228 11.13 0
ILMN_1651229 6.57 0
ILMN_1651254 9.38 0
ILMN_1651259 6.8 0
ILMN_1651262 10.48 0
ILMN_1651278 7.33 0
ILMN_1651279 6.31 0
ILMN_1651282 6.4 0
ILMN_1651296 5.95 0.07
ILMN_1651315 8.38 0
ILMN_1651316 6.45 0
ILMN_1651328 6.17 0.01
ILMN_1651346 7.23 0
ILMN_1651347 9.33 0
ILMN_1651354 6.2 0.01
ILMN_1651358 7.76 0
ILMN_1651378 7.27 0
ILMN_1651385 7.53 0

Total number of rows: 15456

Table truncated, full table size 309 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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