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Sample GSM1100721 Query DataSets for GSM1100721
Status Public on Apr 11, 2013
Title 4d_diff [gene expression]
Sample type RNA
Source name cell culture
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics strain background: C57BL/6
cell type: SVZ-NSCs four day in differentiation media
Treatment protocol For FACS isolated cells, total SVZ was dissected and subjected to the FACS protocol detailed in Pastrana, et al 2009
Growth protocol SVZ cells were grown in monolayer in proliferation media. At passage 5-7, cells were switched to media without growth factors for indicated timepoints (1,2,4 days)
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated with trizol reagent and amplified with Whole Transcriptome Amplification Kit (Thermo).
Label Cy3
Label protocol Labeling was performed according to standard Nimblegen Protocols
Hybridization protocol Hybridization was perfomed on a Maui Hybridization System
Scan protocol Scanning was done on a GenePix 4000B scanner according to standard Nimblegen protocols
Description SAMPLE 11
Data processing The raw data (.pair file) was subjected to RMA (Robust Multi-Array Analysis; Irizarry et al. Biostatistics 4(2):249) as implemented in the DEVA package, version 1.2.1
Sample data table contains RMA-normalized, averaged gene-level signal intensity (i.e. values in the 'PM_AVG' conlumn in processed data .calls file)
Submission date Mar 19, 2013
Last update date Jan 01, 2019
Contact name Abhinav Nellore
Phone 4439101925
Organization name UCSF
Street address 513 Parnassus Avenue
City San Francisco
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94143-0794
Country USA
Platform ID GPL15887
Series (2)
GSE45280 Integration of genome-wide approaches identifies lncRNAs of adult neural stem cells and their progeny in vivo [expression]
GSE45282 Integration of genome-wide approaches identifies lncRNAs of adult neural stem cells and their progeny in vivo

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA-normalized, averaged gene-level signal intensity (PM_AVG)

Data table
AB000096 767
AB000490 1002
AB001425 1368
AB001435 1254
AB001539 1782
AB001750 1943
AB001926 2190
AB003502 2810
AB004048 10049
AB005662 6632
AB005665 6985
AB005909 886
AB006034 655
AB006103 1938
AB007407 588
AB008928 811
AB009369 1136
AB010088 683
AB010122 2144
AB011499 1781

Total number of rows: 44171

Table truncated, full table size 610 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1100721_515867A11_coding_2012-04-04T151424_532.calls.gz 3.7 Mb (ftp)(http) CALLS
GSM1100721_515867A11_coding_2012-04-04T152033_532.pair.gz 2.3 Mb (ftp)(http) PAIR
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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