Cy5/Cy3 labeled RNA was co-hybridized onto a QMT Amino (Quantifoil) glass slide. Embryo 0-4 h was used as common reference control. Sample collection: Embryo samples were collected as four-hour egg lays, which were allowed to develop for the desired interval and then snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. The different larval stages as well as the different pupal stages were handpicked and separately snap frozen. Adults were collected as male and female flies and also snap frozen. Total RNA was isolated from all samples using the Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany). Microarray hybridization: At least three independent experiments were performed for each of the 8 different stages (embryonic stage 4-8h, embryonic stage 8-12h, embryonic stage 12-16h, pooled larval stage, pupal stage 1, pupal stage 2, pupal stage 3 and adult stage) in competitive hybridizations against the common control, which was a sample made from RNA isolated from embryonic stage 0-4h. At least one dye swap was included in each of the repetitions. We used the indirect labeling method, with 9µg random hexamer primer (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) added to 20µg total RNA. For hybridization, the labeled cDNAs were taken up in SlideHyb buffer #1 (Ambion, Woodward, USA), denatured at 95°C for 5min, and applied to the array. Hybridization was performed in appropriate chambers (TeleChem) in a waterbath at 55°C for 16h. The hybridized glass slides were scanned on a ScanArray 5000 (Perkin Elmer, Wellesley, USA) using the ScanArray software (Version 3.1). The resulting images (TIFF format, 16-bit grayscale) for each channel - Cy5 (632nm) and Cy3 (532nm) - were analyzed further with the GenePix software (Version 4.0; Axon Instruments, Union City, USA). As each microarray contains two replicates for each gene, we used the standard deviation (SD) of their dye-ratio (Cy5/Cy3) to filter for reproducible hybridizations. Only if at least 30% of all genes on the array had a SD of log(632/532) of less than 1/3 between the replicates was the microarray included for further analysis.
X-coordinate of the center of the feature-indicator associated with the feature, where (0,0) is the top left of the image
Y-coordinate of the center of the feature-indicator associated with the feature, where (0,0) is the top left of the image
Diameter in µm of the feature-indicator
F632 Median
Median pixel intensity of feature for Cy5 channel
F632 Mean
Mean pixel intensity of feature for Cy5 channel
F632 SD
B632 Median
B632 Mean
B632 SD
% > B632+1SD
% > B632+2SD
F632 % Sat.
F532 Median
Median feature pixel intensity at wavelength #2 (532 nm, Cy3)
F532 Mean
Mean feature pixel intensity at wavelength #2 (532 nm, Cy3)
F532 SD
B532 Median
B532 Mean
B532 SD
% > B532+1SD
% > B532+2SD
F532 % Sat.
Ratio of Medians (632/532)
Ratio of Means (632/532)
Median of Ratios (632/532)
Mean of Ratios (632/532)
Ratios SD (632/532)
Rgn Ratio (632/532)
Rgn R² (632/532)
F Pixels
B Pixels
Sum of Medians
Sum of Means
Log Ratio (632/532)
F632 Median - B632
F532 Median - B532
F632 Mean - B632
F532 Mean - B532
A value of -100 means that this spot was bad. A value of -75 means that the ID for this spot is empty. A value of -50 means that this spot cannot be aligned during analysis. A value of 0 or larger than 0 means that this spot passed the flagging screen but may still fail other quality tests.
log2 ratio (log2 ratio of Ratio of Means(632/532) Not normalized!