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Sample GSM1044392 Query DataSets for GSM1044392
Status Public on Dec 24, 2015
Title cbf1-del-1-a
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name refpool
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics strain: BY4742
genotype: wild type
Growth protocol yeast-deleteome[grow]
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol yeast RNA isolation for robotic amplification v1.0
Label Cy5
Label protocol robot amplification and labeling v1.0: All amplification and labeling procedures are performed in 96 wells plates (4titude, Bioke) on a customized Sciclone ALH 3000 Workstation (Caliper LifeSciences), supplemented with a PCR PTC-200 (Bio-Rad Laboratories), SpectraMax 190 spectrofotometer (Molecular Devices), and a magnetic bead-locator (Beckman). mRNA amplification protocol description: * all RNAs are diluted to 0.6 ug/ul and 5 ul is put in a 96-wells plate (Abgene). All subsequent steps are performed by the robot script. * mix1 containing 100 ng T7 Mlu VN primer (custom mix) and EC-control RNA per 5 ul is added and mixed in each well. * plate is incubated @ 70C for 10 mins, cooled to 48C. * mix2 containing 4ul 5x 1st strand buffer, 2 ul 0.1M DTT (Invitrogen), 1ul RNAse Inhibitor (Boehringer), 1ul 20mM dNTPs (GE Healthcare), 1ul linear acrylamide, and 1ul SuperScriptIII (Invitrogen) per sample is prewarmed to 48C; 10 ul per sample is added and mixed in each well. * plate is incubated @ 48C for 2 hours and cooled to room temperature. * 106 ul water and subsequently mix3 containing 15ul second strand buffer, 3ul 20mM dNTPs (GE Healthcare), 1 ul T4 DNA ligase, 4 ul E.coli DNA polymerase I and 1 ul RNAseH (Promega) is added and mixed in each well. * plate is incubated @ 16C for 2 hours, @65C for 10 mins. * ds cDNA product is purified and concentrated with RNAClean (Agencourt, GC biotech) according to manufacturers protocol, to an end volume of 25 ul . * 8 ul cDNA is put in a 96 wells plate and mixed with 12 ul IVT mix containing 2 ul 10x rxn-buffer, 2 ul each ATP, CTP, GTP, 0.6 ul UTP, 2 ul T7 enzyme mix (MegaScript kit, Ambion, Applied Biosystems), and 2.1 ul 50 mM 5-(3-aminoallyl)-UTP (Ambion, Applied Biosystems). * Plate is incubated @37C for 4 hours. * cRNA product is purified with RNAClean (Agencourt, Beckman) according to manufacturers protocol. * Concentration is measured (SpectraMax 190) and adjusted to 600 ng/ul by the robot. * Resulting cRNA plates are sampled for Bioanalyzer QC, snapfrozen and stored at -80C. Labeling protocol description: * NHS-ester Cy3 or Cy5 dye (Amersham PA 23001 and 25001): entire tube is resuspended in 100 ul DMSO (Merck 8.02912.10). All subsequent steps are performed by the robot script : * 8 ul of each cRNA (0.6 ug/ul) is put in a 96-wells plate (Abgene), the accompanying reference sample is put in the next column (final step combines cy3 and cy5 labeled material ). * 3 ul 0.5 M NaBicarbonate buffer, pH 9 is added and mixed to all wells. * 3 ul cy-dye solution is added and mixed to the appropriate wells, plate is incubated at 18C for 1 hour. * 4.5 ul 5M hydroxylamine is added and mixed, incubated at 18o C for 15 minutes. * Labeled cRNA product is purified with RNA Clean (Agencourt, GC biotech) according to manufacturers protocol. * RNA concentration and labeling incorporation are measured (SpectraMax 190). * 2.5 ug of each labeled sample and reference cRNA are pooled and subjected to fragmentation according to protocol (Ambion, Applied Biosystems), 15 min 70C. * Samples are stored at -20C until hybridization.
Channel 2
Source name cbf1-del
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics strain: BY4742
genotype: cbf1-del
Growth protocol Yeast growth for expression profiling in Tecan platereader v1.0
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol yeast HTP RNA isolation for robot v2.0
Label Cy3
Label protocol robot amplification and labeling v1.0: All amplification and labeling procedures are performed in 96 wells plates (4titude, Bioke) on a customized Sciclone ALH 3000 Workstation (Caliper LifeSciences), supplemented with a PCR PTC-200 (Bio-Rad Laboratories), SpectraMax 190 spectrofotometer (Molecular Devices), and a magnetic bead-locator (Beckman). mRNA amplification protocol description: * all RNAs are diluted to 0.6 ug/ul and 5 ul is put in a 96-wells plate (Abgene). All subsequent steps are performed by the robot script. * mix1 containing 100 ng T7 Mlu VN primer (custom mix) and EC-control RNA per 5 ul is added and mixed in each well. * plate is incubated @ 70C for 10 mins, cooled to 48C. * mix2 containing 4ul 5x 1st strand buffer, 2 ul 0.1M DTT (Invitrogen), 1ul RNAse Inhibitor (Boehringer), 1ul 20mM dNTPs (GE Healthcare), 1ul linear acrylamide, and 1ul SuperScriptIII (Invitrogen) per sample is prewarmed to 48C; 10 ul per sample is added and mixed in each well. * plate is incubated @ 48C for 2 hours and cooled to room temperature. * 106 ul water and subsequently mix3 containing 15ul second strand buffer, 3ul 20mM dNTPs (GE Healthcare), 1 ul T4 DNA ligase, 4 ul E.coli DNA polymerase I and 1 ul RNAseH (Promega) is added and mixed in each well. * plate is incubated @ 16C for 2 hours, @65C for 10 mins. * ds cDNA product is purified and concentrated with RNAClean (Agencourt, GC biotech) according to manufacturers protocol, to an end volume of 25 ul . * 8 ul cDNA is put in a 96 wells plate and mixed with 12 ul IVT mix containing 2 ul 10x rxn-buffer, 2 ul each ATP, CTP, GTP, 0.6 ul UTP, 2 ul T7 enzyme mix (MegaScript kit, Ambion, Applied Biosystems), and 2.1 ul 50 mM 5-(3-aminoallyl)-UTP (Ambion, Applied Biosystems). * Plate is incubated @37C for 4 hours. * cRNA product is purified with RNAClean (Agencourt, Beckman) according to manufacturers protocol. * Concentration is measured (SpectraMax 190) and adjusted to 600 ng/ul by the robot. * Resulting cRNA plates are sampled for Bioanalyzer QC, snapfrozen and stored at -80C. Labeling protocol description: * NHS-ester Cy3 or Cy5 dye (Amersham PA 23001 and 25001): entire tube is resuspended in 100 ul DMSO (Merck 8.02912.10). All subsequent steps are performed by the robot script : * 8 ul of each cRNA (0.6 ug/ul) is put in a 96-wells plate (Abgene), the accompanying reference sample is put in the next column (final step combines cy3 and cy5 labeled material ). * 3 ul 0.5 M NaBicarbonate buffer, pH 9 is added and mixed to all wells. * 3 ul cy-dye solution is added and mixed to the appropriate wells, plate is incubated at 18C for 1 hour. * 4.5 ul 5M hydroxylamine is added and mixed, incubated at 18o C for 15 minutes. * Labeled cRNA product is purified with RNA Clean (Agencourt, GC biotech) according to manufacturers protocol. * RNA concentration and labeling incorporation are measured (SpectraMax 190). * 2.5 ug of each labeled sample and reference cRNA are pooled and subjected to fragmentation according to protocol (Ambion, Applied Biosystems), 15 min 70C. * Samples are stored at -20C until hybridization.
Hybridization protocol Tecan HS4800 hybridization: * 60 ul labeled sample is combined with 60 ul 2x-hybmix, containing 50% formamide, 10xSSC, 0.2% SDS, 200 ug/ml herring sperm DNA * Hybridizations of spotted oligo-arrays (Codelink glass) or Agilent microarrays are performed on a HS4800Pro Hybstation (Tecan) * Priming: 5xSSC, 0.1%SDS * Probe injection: pre-hyb, 5xSSC, 25% formamide, 0.1%SDS, 1%BSA, Volume 110ul * Hybridization: 45 min at 42C. * Wash 2x: milliQ * Wash: 5xSSC, 0.1%SDS * Probe injection: sample. Volume 110ul (Agilent 4packs: 55ul) * Hybridization: 16 hours at 42C. * Wash 2x: 1xSSC, 0.2%SDS at 23C * Wash 2x: 0.1xSSC, 0.2%SDS at 23C * Wash 2x: 0.1xSSC at 23C * Drying: blow with nitrogen for 3min at 30C
Scan protocol scanning of slides using Agilent G256BA: Scanning of slides using the Agilent G2565BA scanner.
Imagene feature extraction: Features were extracted using Imagene software from Biodiscovery.
Data processing genes, no bg corr, dye corr: Normalization was done using print-tip LOESS as described in (Yang et al. 2002), by estimating the LOESS curve for all gene probes using no background substraction and a span of 0.4. Probes flagged as absent, or with a (nearly) saturated signal (i.e., > 2^15) in either channel were not considered for the estimation of the LOESS curve. Signals were corrected for dye bias using intrinsic gene-specific dye biases estimated from a set of wild-type wild-type hybridizations, as described in Margaritis, Lijnzaad et al., Mol. Sys. Biol. 2009.
limma: A software package for the analysis of gene expression microarray data, especially the use of linear models for analysing designed experiments and the assessment of differential expression. Author(s): Gordon Smyth. The limma R package version 2.12.0 is used. P-values are Benjamini-Hochberg FDR corrected.
Submission date Nov 27, 2012
Last update date Dec 25, 2015
Contact name Patrick Kemmeren
Organization name UMC Utrecht
Department Department of Molecular Cancer Research
Lab Holstege Lab
Street address Universiteitsweg 100
City Utrecht
State/province Utrecht
ZIP/Postal code 3584 CG
Country Netherlands
Platform ID GPL11232
Series (1)
GSE42536 Transcription profiling by array of yeast single and double deletion mutants of gene-specific transcription factors

Data table header descriptions
VALUE normalized log2 ratio (Cy3/Cy5)
Signal Norm_Cy5
Signal Norm_Cy3
INV_VALUE normalized log2 ratio (Cy5/Cy3)

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Signal Norm_Cy5 Signal Norm_Cy3 INV_VALUE
1 0.274461 1353.81 1637.49 -0.274460817692671
2 0.418918 169.964 227.229 -0.418917767786386
3 0.0808137 293.052 309.936 -0.0808136546611796
4 -0.0501462 49.222 47.5405 0.0501462022282741
5 -0.201444 303.084 263.586 0.20144394766897
6 0.191322 89.3564 102.028 -0.191322163126112
7 -0.121142 280.444 257.857 0.121141506735767
8 -0.160456 732.419 655.326 0.160456445541252
9 -0.0702617 248.029 236.239 0.0702616583245543
10 0.0807946 54.767 57.9216 -0.0807946000389278
11 0.423566 2433.69 3264.16 -0.423566364626229
12 -0.0224767 50.5209 49.7399 0.0224767330352409
13 -0.0218424 83.5286 82.2735 0.0218424390720823
14 -0.0772323 105.802 100.287 0.0772322948682105
15 -0.0406445 1502.91 1461.16 0.0406444529022548
16 0.136681 61.3829 67.4827 -0.136680890659461
17 0.0336304 49.757 50.9305 -0.033630377031239
18 0.248675 1752.91 2082.66 -0.248675409223327
19 0.450089 5382.21 7352.77 -0.450089174751486
20 -0.346469 678.883 533.946 0.346469115032717

Total number of rows: 15552

Table truncated, full table size 756 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1044392_7680_raw.txt.gz 671.8 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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