Status |
Public on Oct 19, 2012 |
Title |
genomic DNA from whole blood 11 |
Sample type |
genomic |
Source name |
whole blood 11
Organism |
Homo sapiens |
Characteristics |
gender: Male sample type: whole blood plate: PLATE A sentrix barcode: 5773467014 sentrix position: R04C01 well id: H11 age: 30 diseasestatus (1=control, 2=scz patient): 2 used_in_analysis: yes
Extracted molecule |
genomic DNA |
Extraction protocol |
genomic DNA was extracted and purified from fresh frozen tissue using Qiagen DNeasy Kit according to standard instructions
Label |
Cy3, Cy5
Label protocol |
Standard Illumina Protocol
Hybridization protocol |
bisulphite converted DNA was amplified, fragmented and hybridised to Illumina Infinium Human Methylation450 Beadchip using standard Illumina protocol
Scan protocol |
Arrays were imaged using BeadArray Reader using standard recommended Illumina scanner setting
Description |
normal whole blood sample
Data processing |
BeadStudio software v3.2. The raw data (non-normalized Unmethylated and Methylated signal intensities) are not available.
Submission date |
Sep 26, 2012 |
Last update date |
Oct 19, 2012 |
Contact name |
Steve Horvath |
E-mail(s) |
Organization name |
University of California, Los Angeles
Department |
Human Genetics
Lab |
Street address |
695 Charles E. Young Drive South, Box 708822
City |
Los Angeles |
State/province |
CA |
ZIP/Postal code |
90095-7088 |
Country |
Platform ID |
GPL13534 |
Series (1) |
GSE41169 |
Blood DNA methylation profiles in a Dutch population |