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Sample GSM1003750 Query DataSets for GSM1003750
Status Public on Sep 13, 2012
Title Stanford_ChipSeq_ES-E14_H3K4me1_std
Sample type SRA
Source name ES-E14
Organism Mus musculus
Characteristics lab: Stanford-m
lab description: Snyder - Stanford University
datatype: ChipSeq
datatype description: Chromatin IP Sequencing
cell: ES-E14
cell organism: mouse
cell description: mouse embryonic stem cell line E14
cell sex: M
antibody: H3K4me1
antibody antibodydescription: rabbit polyclonal. Antibody Target: H3K4me1
antibody targetdescription: Histone H3 (mono methyl K4). Is associated with enhancers, and downstream of transcription starts.
antibody vendorname: Abcam
antibody vendorid: ab8895
treatment: None
treatment description: No special treatment or protocol applies
control: std
control description: Standard input signal for most experiments.
age: E0
age description: Embryonic day 0 (stem cell)
control: std
control description: Standard input signal for most experiments.
controlid: ES-E14/None/Input/std
labversion: PeakSeq1.0
strain: 129/Ola
strain description: The mice have yellow coats and late onset severe vacuolation in brain (700+ days). Inbred strain used as a control group to compare with null PrP mice.
Biomaterial provider Santos lab
Treatment protocol None
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Instrument model unknown. ("Illumina Genome Analyzer" specified by default). For more information, see
Library strategy ChIP-Seq
Library source genomic
Library selection ChIP
Instrument model Illumina Genome Analyzer
Data processing
Submission date Sep 13, 2012
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name ENCODE DCC
Organization name ENCODE DCC
Street address 300 Pasteur Dr
City Stanford
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94305-5120
Country USA
Platform ID GPL9185
Series (3)
GSE32218 Histone Modifications by ChIP-seq from ENCODE/Stanford/Yale
GSE49847 A comparative encyclopedia of DNA elements in the mouse genome
GSE51334 DNA replication-timing boundaries separate stable chromosome domains with cell-type-specific functions
SRA SRX186789
BioSample SAMN01174205
Named Annotation GSM1003750_mm9_wgEncodeSydhHistEse14H3k04me1StdSig.bigWig

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1003750_mm9_wgEncodeSydhHistEse14H3k04me1StdPk.narrowPeak.gz 80.1 Kb (ftp)(http) NARROWPEAK
GSM1003750_mm9_wgEncodeSydhHistEse14H3k04me1StdSig.bigWig 252.0 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
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