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Series GSE99151 Query DataSets for GSE99151
Status Public on Oct 07, 2018
Title Global organization of the B cell genome by the transcription factor Pax5 [Hi-C]
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Other
Summary We used genome-wide in situ Hi-C to show that different immune cell populations display distinct chromatin architecture and that the transcription factor Paired box 5 (Pax5) is critical for the lineage-specific architecture of B cells.
Overall design Hi-C was undertaken for mouse CD4+ T cells, transitional & marginal zone (Tr/MZ) B cells, granulocytes, LSKs, MEFs, pro-B cells, Pax5-/- pro-B cells, follicular B cells, activated B cells and plasmablasts. Also used was a Pax5-/- pro-B cell line with a Pax5:ER fusion construct allowing Pax5 to be reintroduced to the nucleus. The Pax5:ER cells were either untreated, treated with b-estradiol to reintroduce Pax5, or treated with both b-estradiol and a-amanitin to reintroduce Pax5 but prevent further transcription. Two biological replicates were conducted for each cell type and each treatment condition, except for pro-B cells and Pax5-/- prob-B cells, for which three replicates were performed.
Contributor(s) Johanson TM, Coughlan HD, Smyth GK
Citation(s) 30323344, 33637722
Submission date May 22, 2017
Last update date Jul 25, 2021
Contact name Rhys Allan
Organization name The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Department Molecular Immunology
Lab Allan Laboratory
Street address 1G Royal Parade
City Parkville
State/province Victoria
ZIP/Postal code 3052
Country Australia
Platforms (1)
GPL19057 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Mus musculus)
Samples (30)
GSM2634251 Activated B cells 1
GSM2634252 Activated B cells 2
GSM2634253 Follicular B cells 1
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE99163 Global organization of the B cell genome by the transcription factor Pax5
BioProject PRJNA387447
SRA SRP107774

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GSE99151_GenomicRegions.bed.gz 372.2 Kb (ftp)(http) BED
GSE99151_RAW.tar 4.3 Gb (http)(custom) TAR (of MTX)
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