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Series GSE8584 Query DataSets for GSE8584
Status Public on Jul 25, 2008
Title Comparison of rapidly vs. slowly dividing CD8 T cells during acute homeostatic proliferation
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Our earlier study demonstrated that when CFSE-labeled LCMV-or Pichinde virus-immune spleen leukocytes were transferred into T cell-deficient hosts, the bona fide virus-specific memory cells underwent relatively limited cell division and were substantially diluted in frequency by other more extensively proliferating cells originating from that donor cell population. We questioned how the slowly dividing population, which contained bona fide memory cells, differed from the rapidly dividing cells, which contained “memory-like” cells. As a preliminary screen we performed a comparative genome-wide microarray analysis of genes expressed on sorted rapidly proliferating (CFSE-low) and slowly proliferating (CFSE-high) CD8 cell populations
Keywords: Division profile comparison
Overall design 2x10^7 CFSE-labeled, Ly5.1+, LCMV-Immune splenocytes were adoptively transferred into congenic T cell ko hosts. Splenocytes were harvested 12 days post-transfer and stained with anti-CD8 Ab, anti-Ly5.1 Ab and 7AAD. 7AAD negative cells were gated, and CFSE-low (> eight divisions) and CFSE-high (0-6 divisions) cells were sorted by flow cytometry using a FACStarPLUS sorter (BD Bioscience, Mountain View, CA). Total RNA was extracted from both CFSE-low and CFSE-high CD8+Ly5.1+ donor populations to compare rapidly vs. slowly dividing CD8 T cells during acute homeostatic proliferation via Affymetrix gene analysis.
Contributor(s) Lin S, Welsh RM
Citation(s) 17785507
Submission date Jul 25, 2007
Last update date Feb 18, 2018
Contact name Raymond M Welsh
Organization name UMASS Medical School
Department Pathology
Lab S2-146
Street address 55 Lake Ave. North
City Worcester
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 01606
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL81 [MG_U74Av2] Affymetrix Murine Genome U74A Version 2 Array
Samples (2)
GSM213068 CD8+ T cells (spleen), less than 8 divisions
GSM213069 CD8+ T cells (spleen), 0 to 6 divisions
BioProject PRJNA101735

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE8584_RAW.tar 3.3 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL, CHP, EXP)
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