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Series GSE73107 Query DataSets for GSE73107
Status Public on Jul 22, 2016
Title Cis-encoded sRNAs repress expression of polysaccharide utilization loci in Bacteroides fragilis 638R
Organism Bacteroides fragilis 638R
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Third-party reanalysis
Summary The phylum Bacteroidetes is a major component of the human gut microbiota which has a broad impact on the development and physiology of its host, and a potential role in a wide range of disease syndromes1-3. The predominance of Bacteroidetes and the genus Bacteroides in the distal gut is due in large part to the expansion of paralogous gene clusters, termed Polysaccharide Utilization Loci (PULs), dedicated to the uptake and catabolism of host derived and dietary polysaccharides4,5. It is generally thought that the diversity of PULs is key to Bacteroides successful competition for nutrients in the gut environment6. The nutritive value of the available polysaccharides varies greatly and thus their utilization is hierarchical and strictly controlled. A typical PUL includes regulatory genes that control expression in response to the presence of specific glycan substrates. However the existence of additional regulatory mechanisms has been predicted to explain phenomena such as the hierarchical control, catabolite repression, and the fine tuning of gene expression to match catabolic activity7-9. Using Bacteroides fragilis as a model organism, this report describes a previously unknown layer of regulatory control in which cis-encoded antisense small RNAs (sRNA) act as repressors of the PULs’ catabolic genes. Nearly 30% of B. fragilis PULs are subject to this type of sRNA control and these PULs tend to be more closely linked to the utilization of host-derived glycans than dietary polysaccharides. The findings described here indicate the presence of a global control mechanism that underlies the known regulatory circuits which modulate PUL expression in response to substrate availability, and hence provide novel insight into regulation of the gut Bacteroidetes physiology.
Overall design This is a 4 chip study with 8 technical replicates on each chip. This was an in vitro, exploratory study to determine if mutation or overexpression of a sRNA associated with the Don locus would affect gene expression. In vitro cultures were grown in defined media with mucin glycans as the sole carbon source. The two chips representing growth of the wild type strain (638R) on mucin glycans were also used in a related study GSE53883 (GSM1303101 and GSM1303102).
Contributor(s) Smith CJ, Cao Y
Citation(s) 27353652
Submission date Sep 16, 2015
Last update date Jul 22, 2016
Contact name Charles Jeffrey Smith
Phone 252-744-2700
Fax 252-744-3104
Organization name East Carolina University
Department Microbiology & Immunology
Street address 600 Moye Blvd.
City Greenville
State/province NC
ZIP/Postal code 27834
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL15788 NimbleGen Bacteroides fragilis 638R custom array [091125_Bfra_CJS_exp]
Samples (4)
GSM1303101 BF638R DM-mucin media rep1
GSM1303102 BF638R DM-mucin media rep2
GSM1886831 donS null mutant-mucin media rep1
BioProject PRJNA296029

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE73107_RAW.tar 45.9 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CALLS, PAIR)
GSE73107_normalized_data_with_annotation.txt.gz 121.7 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table
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