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Series GSE72356 Query DataSets for GSE72356
Status Public on Jan 25, 2016
Title Determination of transcriptional rates and mRNA levels during osmotic stress in S. cerevisiae wild type and cbc1/sto1 mutant cells using Genomic Run On (GRO)
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary We analyzed the effect of the elimination of the cap-binding protein Cbc1 on transcription rate and mRNA amount during the response to osmotic stress using the Genomic Run-on assay
Overall design This study focus on the transcriptional activity of RNA pol II in yeast genes during stress response. S. cerevisiae cells grown in YPD to exponential phase were subjected to osmotic stress and then processed for Genomic Run-On. Home-made microarrays containing entire ORFs were used. Three replicates of each time point were done. Each replicate has been hybridized on a different macroarray. A single DNA genomic hybridization was done on the same microarrays for normalization. Data were normalized by Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) using the ArrayStat software.
Contributor(s) Alepuz P, De Clerk N, Medina DA, Pérez-Ortín JE, Garre E
Citation(s) 26775127, 27648972
Submission date Aug 25, 2015
Last update date Oct 24, 2016
Contact name Jose E. Perez-Ortin
Phone 34 963 543467
Organization name Universitat de Valencia
Department Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular
Lab Yeast Functional Genomics (GFL)
Street address Dr. Moliner 50
City Burjassot
State/province Valencia
ZIP/Postal code E46100
Country Spain
Platforms (1)
GPL13620 Valencia yeast v10
Samples (20)
GSM1860938 TR WT t0
GSM1860939 TR WT t8
GSM1860940 TR WT t15
BioProject PRJNA293868

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE72356_RAW.tar 2.2 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
GSE72356_gDNA_hybridization_raw_files.tar.gz 513.8 Kb (ftp)(http) TAR
Processed data included within Sample table

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