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Series GSE7146 Query DataSets for GSE7146
Status Public on Mar 01, 2007
Title Effect of insulin infusion on human skeletal muscle
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary To identify insulin responsive genes in humans, in the first protocol, skeletal muscle biopsies from six non-diabetic subjects were obtained before and after a two-hour of hyperinsulinaemic (infusion rate 40 mU/m2/min) euglycemic clamp. A variable infusion of glucose (180 g/l) enriched with tritiated glucose (100 μCi/500 ml) maintained euglycemia during insulin infusion, with monitoring of plasma glucose concentration every 5 to 10 min during the basal and clamp periods using an automated glucose oxidation method (Glucose Analyzer 2, Beckman Instruments, Fullerton, CA).

In the second protocol, skeletal muscle biopsies from six non-diabetic subjects were obtained before and after a 3-hour hyperinsulinemic (infusion rate 40 mU/m2/min) euglycemic clamp in order to increase the effects of insulin on gene expression. A variable infusion of glucose (180 g/l) was used to maintain euglycemia during insulin infusion with monitoring of plasma glucose concentration every 5 to 10 min using an automated glucose oxidation method (Glucose Analyzer 2, Beckman Instruments, Fullerton, CA).
Keywords: dose response
Overall design The muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis
muscle under local anesthesia before and after hyperinsulinaemic (infusion rate 40 mU/m2/min) euglycemic clamp
Contributor(s) Parikh H, Groop LC, Mootha VK
Citation(s) 17472435
Submission date Feb 27, 2007
Last update date Aug 10, 2018
Contact name Hemang Parikh
Organization name Lund University
Department Department of Clinical Sciences-Diabetes and Endocrinology
Street address Building 91, Plan 12, CRC, Entrance 72, Malmö University Hospital
City Malmö
ZIP/Postal code 20502
Country Sweden
Platforms (2)
GPL80 [Hu6800] Affymetrix Human Full Length HuGeneFL Array
GPL96 [HG-U133A] Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array
Samples (24)
GSM172123 2 hrs Pre-clamp sample 1
GSM172125 2 hrs Post-clamp sample 1
GSM172129 2 hrs Pre-clamp sample 2
BioProject PRJNA98187

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GSE7146_RAW.tar 63.1 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)

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