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Series GSE6617 Query DataSets for GSE6617
Status Public on Dec 28, 2006
Title Changes in gene expression due to CgtA-depletion in Vibrio cholerae.
Organism Vibrio cholerae
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary A cgtA-depletion strain in V. cholerae was constructed and used to identify changes in gene expression that occur due to loss of the gene product. This information was then used to characterize the role of the gene, which was found to be involved in stress response.
Keywords: Depletion strain, stress response
Overall design V. cholerae cells from a cgtA-depletion strain were used. This strain requires arabinose for growth. Cells were grown to mid-log, washed, and split into two cultures, one with arabinose, one without. These cells were grown for one doubling time, then RNA was harvested using a Trizol method. Both depleted and non-depleted cell RNA was converted to cDNA, with one set incorporating Cy5, the other Cy3, with fluorophores reversed in the multiple analyses. RNA from both conditions was applied to a whole genome PCR microarray from V. cholerae N16961, containing two sets of every ORF. Data was analyzed by Genepix and Rosetta Resolver.
Citation(s) 17360576
Submission date Dec 28, 2006
Last update date Mar 17, 2012
Contact name David Raskin
Phone (617)432-2355
Fax (617)738-7664
Organization name Harvard Medical School
Department Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
Street address 200 Longwood Avenue
City Boston
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02115
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL4697 HMS_Vibrio_cholerae1206
Samples (1)
GSM153577 CgtA-depleted
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE6618 Regulation of the stringent response is the essential function of the conserved bacterial G protein CgtA in V. cholerae
BioProject PRJNA104183

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GSE6617_RAW.tar 4.3 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of GPR)

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