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Series GSE59367 Query DataSets for GSE59367
Status Public on Jul 15, 2014
Title Hyperactivation of mTORC1 and mTORC2 by multiple oncogenic events causes addiction to eIF4E-dependent mRNA translation in T-cell leukemia
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Genome variation profiling by array
Summary T-ALL cell lines versus Bl57/6J spleen
We investigated how RTK signaling might contribute to T-ALL using an established bone marrow transplantation model. To mimick tyrosine kinase signalling we expressed a constitutively active form of the TRKA receptor tyrosine kinase (ΔTrkA) in hematopoietic progenitor cells. Mice transplanted with ΔTrkA transduced cells developed T-ALL with a high penetrance.
Overall design comparative hybridization of DNA from T-ALL clones versus reference DNA (spleen)
Contributor(s) Steinemann D, Schwarzer A
Citation(s) 25241901
Submission date Jul 14, 2014
Last update date Oct 14, 2014
Contact name Doris Johanna Steinemann
Phone +495115324669
Organization name Hannover Medical School
Department Institute of Human Genetics
Lab Array-Lab
Street address Carl-Neuberg-Str.1
City Hannover
ZIP/Postal code 30625
Country Germany
Platforms (1)
GPL10449 Agilent-027411 SurePrint G3 Mouse CGH Microarray 4x180K (Feature Number version)
Samples (6)
GSM1435831 #003
GSM1435832 #007
GSM1435833 #483
BioProject PRJNA255201

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE59367_RAW.tar 110.7 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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