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Series GSE54021 Query DataSets for GSE54021
Status Public on Jan 14, 2014
Title Circadian behavior is light-reprogrammed by plastic DNA methylation
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Methylation profiling by genome tiling array
Summary The timing of daily “circadian” behavior can be highly variable among different individuals, and twin studies suggest that about half of this variability is environmentally controlled. Similar plasticity can be seen in mice exposed to an altered lighting environment – for example, 22-hour days instead of 24-hour ones – which stably alters the genetically determined period of circadian behavior for months. The mechanisms mediating these environmental influences are unknown. Here, we show that transient exposure of mice to such lighting stably alters global transcription in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (the SCN, the “master clock” tissue determining circadian behavior in mammals). We have also showed that, these changes in transcription are due to change in DNA methylation in the SCN. Indeed, genome-wide methylation profiling revealed global alterations in promoter DNA methylation in the SCN. Importantly, infusion of a methyltransferase inhibitor to the SCN during 22-hour days suppressed period changes. We also found that these behavioral and DNA methylation changes are reversible upon entrainment to 24-hours days. We conclude that the SCN utilizes DNA methylation as a mechanism to drive circadian clock plasticity.
MeDIP array of profiling, demonstrated that genomicDNA methylation changes in mice entrained to short-T cycle.
Overall design comparison of methylation profile in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of mice entrained to normal T-cycle and short T-cycle
Contributor(s) Brown S, Azzi A
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Submission date Jan 13, 2014
Last update date Jan 15, 2014
Contact name Steven Brown
Organization name University of Zurich
Department Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Lab Chronobiology and Sleep Research Group
Street address Winterthurerstrasse 190
City Zurich
State/province Switzerland
ZIP/Postal code 8057
Country Switzerland
Platforms (1)
GPL18163 NimbleGen Mouse DNA Methylation 3x720K CpG Island Plus RefSeq Promoter Array [090618_MM9_CpG_Refseq_Prom_MeDIP]
Samples (2)
GSM1305948 NT-cycle mice MeDIP
GSM1305949 ST-cycle mice MeDIP
BioProject PRJNA234367

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE54021_Methylation_difference.sgr.gz 7.6 Mb (ftp)(http) SGR
GSE54021_RAW.tar 122.6 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of PAIR, SGR)
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