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Series GSE30040 Query DataSets for GSE30040
Status Public on Jun 11, 2014
Title Expression data from feline liver tissue
Platform organism Homo sapiens
Sample organism Felis catus
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary This study looks at the effect of dietary manipulation on the development of hepatic steatosis and changes in hepatic gene expression in a feline model. We used microarray analysis to examine changes in hepatic gene transcription in response to Trans fat, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and/or Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) in the domestic cat. The use of human Affymetrix arrays for the study of feline gene expression has previously been validated by Dowling and Bienzle, 2005, Journal of General Virology. 86(Pt 8), 2239-48 (PMID 16033971).
Overall design Our study animals were bred from female Felis catus previously placed on one of 4 different dietary regimens for a period of 3 weeks prior to mating. The four dietary regimens used in this study were: [1] Standard Chow Control feline diet (Test Diet Purina catalog #5003); [2] MSG diet consisting of Control diet with 1.125% added Monosodium Glutamate (Diet A: Test Diet Purina catalog #5C1J); [3] Trans-fat/HFCS diet, containing 8.6% Trans fat and 24% HFCS (Diet B: Test Diet Purina catalog #5B4K); and [4] Trans-fat/HFCS and MSG diet, containing 8.6% Trans fat, 24% HFCS and 1.125% MSG (Diet C: Test Diet Purina catalog #5C1H). Following mating, the 4 groups of dams were maintained on their respective diets throughout the gestation and nursing period. Male offspring used in the following experiments were weaned onto the same diets and maintained on their respective dietary regimens until they reached 9 months of age. Hepatic tissues (4-5 per diet group) were used for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays.
Contributor(s) Collison KS, Zaidi MZ, Makhoul N
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Submission date Jun 16, 2011
Last update date Jan 25, 2019
Contact name Marya Zia Zaidi
Organization name KFSH&RC
Department Biological & Medical Research
Lab Cell Biology & Diabetes Research Unit
Street address 1 Takhassussi Road
City Riyadh
State/province Riyadh
ZIP/Postal code 11211
Country Saudi Arabia
Platforms (1)
GPL10739 [HuGene-1_0-st] Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST Array [probe set (exon) version]
Samples (8)
GSM743740 Male control diet liver tissue, biological rep1
GSM743741 Male control diet liver tissue, biological rep2
GSM743742 Male diet A liver tissue, biological rep1
BioProject PRJNA144085

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GSE30040_RAW.tar 27.4 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CEL)
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