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Series GSE29207 Query DataSets for GSE29207
Status Public on Jul 04, 2011
Title Role of miR-30 miRNAs during adipogenesis
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Analysis of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hMADS cells) overexpressing either miR-30a or miR-30d, as well as knocked-down for the whole miR-30 family. Gene expression was analyzed after 4 days in adipogenic medium. Data give insight into the role of miR-30 during adipogenesis, and identifies enriched predicted targets for miR-30.
Overall design Human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hMADS cells) were transfected with one of the following: premiR-30a (Ambion), premiR-30d (Ambion), premiR negative control #1 (Ambion). Three days after transfection, cells were submitted to adipogenic differentiation for 4 days. In a separate experiment, hMADS cells were transfected with either antimiR-30 or antimiR-neg (mismatch control), and then submitted to differentiation as described above. For each experimental condition, 2 hMADS cell clones were used independently (clone B7 and B9).
Contributor(s) Zaragosi LE, Wdzieknoski B, Lebrigand K, Villageois P, Mari B, Dani C, Barbry P
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Submission date May 10, 2011
Last update date Nov 27, 2018
Contact name Kevin Lebrigand
Organization name IPMC/CNRS
Lab Functional Genomics Platform of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, France.
Street address 660 route des lucioles
City Valbonne - Sophia-Antipolis
ZIP/Postal code 06560
Country France
Platforms (1)
GPL13607 Agilent-028004 SurePrint G3 Human GE 8x60K Microarray (Feature Number version)
Samples (10)
GSM725724 B7 mir-neg
GSM725725 B7 mir-30a
GSM725726 B7 mir-30d
BioProject PRJNA140053

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GSE29207_RAW.tar 126.5 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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