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Series GSE2879 Query DataSets for GSE2879
Status Public on Aug 11, 2005
Title Genomewide analysis of nucleosome density histone acetylation and HDAC function in fission yeast
Organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Experiment type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by genome tiling array
Summary Genome wide roles for fission yeast HDACs
Keywords: Genome wide roles for fission yeast HDACs
Overall design We have conducted a genome wide investigation into the enzymatic specificity, expression profiles, and binding locations of four histone deacetylases (HDACs), representing the three different phylogenetic classes in fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe). By directly comparing nucleosome density, histone acetylation patterns and HDAC binding in both intergenic and coding regions with gene expression profiles, we found that Sir2 (class III) and Hos2 (class I) have a role in preventing histone loss, Clr6 (class I) is the principal enzyme in promoter-localized repression. Hos2 has an unexpected role in promoting high expression of growth-related genes by deacetylating H4K16Ac in their open reading frames. Clr3 (class II) act cooperatively with Sir2 throughout the genome including the silent regions: rDNA, centromeres, mat2/3 and telomeres. The most significant acetylation sites are H3K14Ac for Clr3 and H3K9Ac for Sir2 at their genomic targets. Clr3 also affects subtelomeric regions which contain clustered stress and meiosis induced genes. Thus, this combined genomic approach has uncovered different roles for fission yeast HDACs at the silent regions in repression and activation of gene expression.
Contributor(s) Wirén M, Silverstein R, Sinha I, Walfridsson J, Lee H, Laurenson P, Pillus L, Robyr D, Grunstein M, Ekwall K
Citation(s) 16079916
Submission date Jul 05, 2005
Last update date Jan 18, 2013
Contact name Karl Ekwall
Phone +46 8 6089133
Organization name Karolinska Inst
Street address Alfred Nobels Alle 7
City Stockholm
ZIP/Postal code S-141 89
Country Sweden
Platforms (11)
GPL2553 Eurogentec S. pombe IGR array (J130C)
GPL2562 Eurogentec S. pombe IGR array (J230C)
GPL2599 Eurogentec S. pombe IGR+ORF array (K080D)
Samples (127)
GSM61776 IGR J130C clr6 H3K14Ac
GSM61777 IGR J130C hos2 H4K5Ac
GSM61778 IGR J130C clr3 H3K14Ac
BioProject PRJNA92559

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