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Series GSE272901 Query DataSets for GSE272901
Status Public on Oct 11, 2024
Title Endogenous self-peptides guard CNS immune privilege
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Other
Summary The central nervous system (CNS), despite the presence of strategically positioned anatomical barriers designed to protect it, is not entirely isolated from the immune system1,2. In fact, it remains physically connected to and can be influenced by the peripheral immune system. How the CNS retains such responsiveness while maintaining an immunologically unique status remains an outstanding conundrum. In searching for molecular cues that derive from the CNS and allow its direct communication with the immune system, we discovered a repertoire of CNS-derived endogenous regulatory self-peptides presented on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II molecules at the CNS borders. During homeostasis, a preponderance of these regulatory self-peptides were found to be bound to MHC II molecules throughout the path of lymphatic drainage from the brain to its surrounding meninges and its draining cervical lymph nodes. With neuroinflammatory disease, however, the presentation of regulatory self-peptides diminished. Upon boosting the presentation of these regulatory self-peptides, a population of suppressor CD4+ T cells could be expanded, controlling CNS autoimmunity in a CTLA-4 and TGF dependent manner. This unexpected discovery of CNS-derived autoimmune self-peptides may be the molecular key adapting the CNS to maintain continuous dialogue with the immune system while balancing overt autoreactivity. This sheds new light on how we conceptually think about and therapeutically target neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases.
Overall design C57BL/6J male mice were immunized either with MOG35-55 or MOG35-55 along with MBP160-175 (n = 3 per group) and 10 days later cells from the draining (inguinal) lymph nodes were harvested. Cells were isolated as described in “single cell isolations”, and sorted to capture those negative for DAPI (live cells), Thy1.2 and TCRß to capture both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells for single-cell sequencing.
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Contributor(s) Kim M, Gao W, Lichti CF, Gu X, Dykstra T, Cao J, Smirnov I, Boskovic P, Kleverov D, Salvador AF, Drieu A, Kim K, Blackburn S, Crewe C, Artyomov MN, Unanue ER, Kipnis J
Citation(s) 39476864
Submission date Jul 23, 2024
Last update date Jan 10, 2025
Contact name Jonathan Kipnis
Organization name Washington University in St. Louis
Lab Kipnis
Street address 4515 McKinley Ave
City St. Louis
State/province MO
ZIP/Postal code 63110
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL24247 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Mus musculus)
Samples (3)
GSM8414397 Dura immune cells, control peptide
GSM8414398 Dura immune cells, empty vesicles
GSM8414399 Dura immune cells, MBP peptides
BioProject PRJNA1139207

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GSE272901_RAW.tar 124.0 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TAR)
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