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Series GSE243336 Query DataSets for GSE243336
Status Public on Nov 12, 2024
Title Collagen signaling and matrix stiffness regulate multipotencyin glandular epithelial stem cells in mice [bulk RNA-Seq]
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Glandular epithelia, including mammary gland (MG) and prostate, are composed of luminal and basal cells. During embryonic development, glandular epithelia arise from multipotent stem cells (SCs) giving rise to basal and luminal cells. However, these multipotent SCs are replaced after birth by unipotent basal and unipotent luminal SCs. Different conditions, such as basal cell transplantation, luminal cell ablation, and oncogene expression, can reinduce multipotency in adult basal SC (BaSCs) of different glandular epithelia. The mechanisms regulating the reactivation of multipotency in BaSCs are incompletely understood. Here, we compared the transcriptional signature of BaSCs from MG and prostate in different conditions associated with multipotency in adult mice and uncovered that Collagen I expression was commonly upregulated across the different conditions associated with multipotency. Using MG and prostate organoids, we demonstrated that increasing collagen concentration or stiffness of the extracellular matrix (ECM) promote BaSC multipotency. Single cell RNA-seq of MG organoids in the presence of high concentration of Collagen I or in a stiffer ECM activate a hybrid bipotent state and uncovered a gene signature and signaling pathways associated with bipotent BaSCs. Finally, we demonstrated the importance of 1integrin/FAK/AP-1 axis in the regulation of BaSC multipotency in response to Col1 signaling and ECM stiffness. Altogether our study uncovers the key role of Collagen signaling and ECM stiffness in the regulation of multipotency in glandular epithelia.
Overall design Ventral lobe of 20 mice at P10-P12 were collected and separated by tips and ducts by chopping. CD45+, CD31+ and CD140a+ cells were excluded (Lin+) before analysis of the epithelial basal (EpCamhigh/CD49fhigh) and luminal (EpCamhigh/CD49flow) cells and those cells were analysed by classical RNAseq.
Contributor(s) Blanpain C, Song Y, Tika E
Citation(s) 39695111
Submission date Sep 15, 2023
Last update date Jan 30, 2025
Contact name Yura Song
Organization name Université Libre de Bruxelles
Lab Laboratory of Stem Cells and Cancer
Street address 808, route de Lennik
City Bruxelles
ZIP/Postal code 1070
Country Belgium
Platforms (1)
GPL24247 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Mus musculus)
Samples (4)
GSM7783605 Basal cell P13, Tip 1
GSM7783606 Basal cell P13, Tip 2
GSM7783607 Basal cell P13, Duct 1
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE243338 Collagen signaling and matrix stiffness regulate multipotency in glandular epithelial stem cells in mice
BioProject PRJNA1017847

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GSE243336_CP20M_RNAseq.csv.gz 1.1 Mb (ftp)(http) CSV
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