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Series GSE238127 Query DataSets for GSE238127
Status Public on Jul 31, 2024
Title All you can eat yeast: substitution of major hexose transporters by AtSWEET7 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae enables simultaneous utilization of multiple sugars
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Yeast sugar transporters are highly evolved for optimized glucose transport, a major roadblock when it comes to utilizing non-glucose sugars in renewable feedstocks such as lignocellulosic biomass. The AtSWEET7p transporter has been identified for simultaneous transport of glucose and xylose, prevalent in plant cell wall hydrolysates. Here, we replaced endogenous hexose transporters with AtSWEET7 to construct an engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae capable of multiple sugars with no glucose repression. The resulting strain (NKSW7-1) gained the capacity to simultaneously co-ferment glucose, xylose, mannose, and fructose in a synthetic medium, as well as the sugars in mixtures of bagasse hydrolysate and cane juice. Notably, the replacement of native sugar transporters by AtSWEET7 led to reprogramming of central carbon metabolism, activating glucose-repressed genes even in the presence of substantial amounts of glucose. Continuous culture experiments with the NKSW7-1 strain demonstrated feasibility of AtSWEET7 to disable glucose repression on other hexose or/and pentose sugar uptake. The broad transport capacity of AtSWEET7p can be utilized for achieving co-consumption of all sugars, especially in the case of emerging, underutilized, and renewable substrates.
Overall design To enable multisugar consumption in Saccharomyces cerevisiae we substituted all major hexose transporters by AtSWEET7. We further evaluated its fermentation phenotype and transcirptional changes induced by AtSWEET7 integration. For transcriptome analysis we cultered control S. cerevisiae and AtSWEET7 expressing S. cerevisaie at 5 g/L glucose condition.
Contributor(s) Kuanyshev N, Dai D, Kim J, Kang N, Cheng M, Singh V, Jin Y
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Submission date Jul 24, 2023
Last update date Jul 31, 2024
Contact name Nurzhan Kuanyshev
Organization name University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Department CABBI
Street address 1206 W Gregory Dr
City Urbana
State/province Illinois
ZIP/Postal code 61801
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL27812 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Samples (6)
GSM7659007 CT2-control rep1
GSM7659008 CT2-control rep2
GSM7659009 CT2-control rep3
BioProject PRJNA998003

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GSE238127_RAW.tar 830.0 Kb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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