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Series GSE230251 Query DataSets for GSE230251
Status Public on May 30, 2023
Title Contribution of IGCR1 and 3' CBE Super Anchor to Developmental Regulation of Igh V(D)J Recombination [HTGTS_VDJ_Seq]
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Other
Summary Immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region exons are assembled in progenitor-B cells, from VH, D, and JH gene segments located in separate clusters across the Igh locus. RAG endonuclease orchestrates V(D)J recombination from a JH-based recombination center (RC). Cohesin-mediated extrusion of upstream chromatin past RC-bound RAG presents Ds for joining to JHs to form a DJHRC, from which RAG scans upstream for VHs to assemble VHDJH exons in an ordered recombination process. Cohesin-mediated chromatin loop extrusion is impeded by CTCF-bound elements (CBEs), with extrusion between two CBEs, particularly if convergently-oriented, forming chromatin-contact loops genome-wide. Igh has provocative CBE organization, with two divergently-oriented CBEs (CBE1 and CBE2) in the IGCR1 element between the VH and D/JH domains, dozens of VH domain CBEs convergent to CBE1, and 10 3'Igh-CBEs convergent to CBE2. IGCR1 CBEs segregate D/JH and VH domains by impeding RAG-scanning. After DJH formation, down-regulation of WAPL, a cohesin unloader, neutralizes IGCR1 and VH-domain CBEs, allowing RAG to scan the VH domain. To elucidate potential mechanisms underlying the developmental transition from D-to-JH to VH-to-DJH recombination and potential roles of IGCR1-based CBEs and 3'Igh-CBEs in regulating RAG-scanning, we tested effects of deleting or inverting IGCR1 or 3'Igh-CBEs in mice and/or progenitor-B cell lines. These studies revealed that normal IGCR1 CBE orientation augments its RAG-scanning impediment activity and that the 3'Igh-CBEs reinforce RC activity as a dynamic loop extrusion impediment, thereby, increasing its ability to support V(D)J recombination. Finally, our findings implicate a mechanism by which developmental WAPL down-regulation contributes to ordered V(D)J recombination.
Overall design We performed HTGTS-VDJ-Seq to determine the roles of IGCR1 and 3'Igh CBEs in v-abl cells, pro-B cells.
Contributor(s) Liang Z, Alt FW
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Submission date Apr 21, 2023
Last update date Jun 02, 2023
Contact name Frederick Alt
Organization name Boston Children's Hospital / Harvard Medical School
Department Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Lab Frederick Alt
Street address 1 Blackfan Circle
City Boston
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02115
Country USA
Platforms (2)
GPL16417 Illumina MiSeq (Mus musculus)
GPL21626 NextSeq 550 (Mus musculus)
Samples (30)
GSM7210775 WT_BM_Rep1
GSM7210776 WT_BM_Rep2
GSM7210777 WT_BM_Rep3
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE230605 Contribution of IGCR1 and 3' CBE Super Anchor to Developmental Regulation of Igh V(D)J Recombination
BioProject PRJNA958132

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GSE230251_RAW.tar 119.8 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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