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Series GSE228564 Query DataSets for GSE228564
Status Public on Jan 23, 2025
Title IL-4 induces CD22 expression to restrain the effector program of self-reactive virtual memory T cells
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Parasitic helminths induce the production of interleukin (IL)-4 which causes the expansion of virtual memory CD8+ T cells (TVM), a cell subset contributing to the control of viral coinfection. However, the mechanisms regulating IL-4-dependent TVM activation and expansion during worm infection remain ill defined. We used single-cell RNA sequencing of CD8+ T cells to investigate IL-4-dependent TVM responses upon helminth infection in mice. Gene signature analysis of CD8+ T cells identified a cell cluster marked by CD22, a canonical regulator of B cell activation, as a specific and selective surface marker of IL-4-induced TVM cells. CD22+ TVM were enriched for IFN-γ and granzyme A and retained a diverse TCR repertoire, while enriched in CDR3 sequences with features of self-reactivity. Deletion of CD22 expression in CD8+ T cells enhanced TVM responses to helminth infection, indicating that this inhibitory receptor modulates TVM responses. Thus, helminth-induced IL-4 drives the expansion and activation of self-reactive TVM in the periphery that is counter-inhibited by CD22
Overall design For 10X single cell RNA sequencing, CD8+ T cells were enriched from spleen samples from individual mice of one group, followed by hashtagging and pooling of 1 million cells per mouse sample. Groups consisted in WT or E8i-CreIl4ra-lox/lox BALB/c mice, receiving 3 different treatments (PBS ip injection at day -4 and day -2, IL-4c injection at day -4 and day -2, or infected with 200 L3 larvae of H. polygyrus).
For BD Rhapsody sequencing, CD8+ T cells were enriched from mesenteric lymph nodes of 3 E8i-CreIl4ra-lox/lox BALB/c mice at day 15 after infection with 200 L3 larvae of H. polygyrus. After enrichment, CD8+ T cells were stained and FACsorted for CD124+ or CD124- cells. Then, each sorted population was Sample Tagged, and 500,000 cells of the tagged cells were pooled before cell capture.
For bulk RNA-seq and TCR-seq, WT BALB/c mice were treated i.p. with PBS or with IL-4c (day -4 and day -2). At day 0, CD8+ T cells were enriched by bead based negative selection followed by immunostaining in order to sort by FACS CD44low naive T cells or CD44highCD49dlow Tvm from PBS-treated mice (n=4); and CD44low naive T cells or CD44highCD49dlowCD22- Tvm CD44highCD49dlowCD22+ Tvm from IL-4c-treated mice (n=4). 200,000 cells were sorted before cDNA library preparation and sequencing.
Contributor(s) Yang B, Sanchez Sanchez G, Vermijlen D, Lavergne A, Dewals BG
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Submission date Mar 30, 2023
Last update date Jan 23, 2025
Contact name Arnaud Lavergne
Organization name University of Liège
Department GIGA
Street address Avenue de l'hôpital 11
City Liège
State/province Liège
ZIP/Postal code 4000
Country Belgium
Platforms (2)
GPL16417 Illumina MiSeq (Mus musculus)
GPL24247 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Mus musculus)
Samples (94)
GSM7124113 cDNA-KO-Hp
GSM7124114 cDNA-KO-IL4C
GSM7124115 cDNA-KO-Naive
BioProject PRJNA950375

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GSE228564_RAW.tar 332.4 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of CSV, MTX, TSV, TXT)
GSE228564_Table_RawCounts.csv.gz 990.7 Kb (ftp)(http) CSV
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