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Series GSE206437 Query DataSets for GSE206437
Status Public on Feb 01, 2023
Title DUX4 orchestrates translational reprograming by broadly suppressing translation efficiency [Ribo-seq]
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Other
Summary DUX4, an embryonic transcription factor normally silenced in somatic tissues, was recently shown to reduce major histocompatibility complex I (MHC-I) and promote immune evasion in numerous cancer types. We report that transient expression of DUX4 results in the long-term suppression of interferon-gamma induction of MHC-I and the immunoproteasome. Brief expression of transcriptionally active DUX4 leads to a prolonged decrease in protein synthesis, altering the activity of translation initiation regulators eIF2a, eIF4E, 4EBP1, and translation elongation factor eEF2. Translational profiling identified mRNAs susceptible to DUX4-induced inhibition of translation initiation and elongation, including mRNAs encoding antigen presentation factors. We show that DUX4 orchestrates translational reprogramming by broadly attenuating protein synthesis while inducing the expression of RNAs encoding early embryonic proteins that are translationally up regulated and predicted to be less vulnerable to translational inhibition. Endogenous expression of DUX4 and its target genes in FSHD muscle cells and SuSa germinoma cells also correlates with suppression of protein synthesis and reduced MHC-I presentation. Our findings reveal a novel role of DUX4 in modulating translational control to reshape the cellular translatome with important implications for development and disease.
Overall design Comparative ribosome foortprinting RNA-seq analysis for MB135iDUX4 myoblasts: untreated, treated with IFNg, with a DUX4 pulse, or with a DUX4 pulse+IFNg and harvested at 68h.
Contributor(s) Tapscott SJ, Hamm DC, Paatela E, Bennett S, Wong C
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Submission date Jun 19, 2022
Last update date Feb 01, 2023
Contact name Stephen Tapscott
Organization name Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center
Department Human Biology
Lab Tapscott
Street address 1100 Fairview N. Ave
City Seattle
State/province WASHINGTON
ZIP/Postal code 98103
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL18573 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (12)
GSM6253647 DCH1_untreated_biol rep 1 [Ribo-seq]
GSM6253648 DCH2_untreated_biol rep 2 [Ribo-seq]
GSM6253649 DCH3_untreated_biol rep 3 [Ribo-seq]
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE206439 The transcription factor DUX4 orchestrates translational reprogramming by broadly suppressing translation efficiency and promoting expression of DUX4-induced mRNAs
BioProject PRJNA850795

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GSE206437_rse_cds_by_gene.csv.gz 259.8 Kb (ftp)(http) CSV
GSE206437_rse_cds_by_gene.rda.gz 2.5 Mb (ftp)(http) RDA
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