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Series GSE200853 Query DataSets for GSE200853
Status Public on Jul 20, 2022
Title Small RNA profiles of mouse leptotene/zygotene spermatocytes at postnatal day 11 and 16.
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Non-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Leptotene and zygote (LZ) spematocytes at P11, P16, and P21 were compared by small-RNA-seq. The P21 data has been published under GSE70891. This revealed that, the late piRNA clusters were rarely expressed in P11 LZ spermatocytes, but started to be expressed at P16. Whereas previous reports analysing testicular RNAs showed that "prepachytene" piRNAs are short (25–28 nt) , this study revealed that piRNAs derived from the late piRNA clusters in P16 and P21 LZ spermatocytes contained both short (25–28 nt) and long (29–31 nt) piRNAs.
Overall design Leptotene and zygote spematocytes were purified by cell sorting using Hochyst staining from testes of male mouse (C57BL/6J) at postnataldays 11 and 16. RNA were extracted by isogene, and used for small RNA library preparation. The libraries were sequenced by MiSeq.
Contributor(s) Kawase M, Ichiyanagi K
Citation(s) 35646920
Submission date Apr 14, 2022
Last update date Jul 22, 2022
Contact name Kenji Ichiyanagi
Phone +81-52-789-4066
Organization name Nagoya University
Department Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
Lab Laboratory of Genome and Epigenome Dynamics
Street address Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku
City Nagoya
ZIP/Postal code 464-8601
Country Japan
Platforms (1)
GPL16417 Illumina MiSeq (Mus musculus)
Samples (2)
GSM6045508 small RNAs in P11 leptotene and zygote spermatocytes
GSM6045509 small RNAs in P16 leptotene and zygote spermatocytes
BioProject PRJNA826965

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GSE200853_RAW.tar 20.0 Kb (http)(custom) TAR (of CSV)
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