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Series GSE16563 Query DataSets for GSE16563
Status Public on Sep 30, 2011
Title MOYO-S and MOYO-R responsive genes to dengue-2 infection at 3hr and 18hr post-infection times
Organism Aedes aegypti
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary We conducted a genome-wide survey of genes in Ae. aegypti females that are transcriptionally responsive upon challenge with dengue virus (serotype-2). The array was designed with 60-mer oligos specific to 16,092 gene transcripts of gene build AaegL1.1 (www. The hybridizations were performed at NimbleGen. We provided total RNA purified from the infected and control samples to NimbleGen. To identify dengue-specific transcription response (DTR) genes of MS and MR females upon infection with DENV2-JAM1409, a total of 15 independent samples (12 test samples and 3 control samples) were used for array hybridizations. These consisted of four DENV2 infected samples (MS-3hr, MR-3hr, MS-18hr and MR-18hr, post-infection, respectively) and a control sample that consisted of RNA isolated at the same time points following uninfected blood meals and pooled across strains and time of sampling. Three independent biological replicates were prepared for each of the above five samples were used for hybridizations.
Overall design The Ae. aegypti genes responsive to dengue infection were identified in MOYO-S (MS) and MOYO-R (MR) females, upon challenging them with DENV serotype-2, by a genome-wide transcriptome analysis carried out using the NimbleGen oligonucleotide microarray format. We profiled gene expressions of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, strain MOYO-S (MS, susceptible to dengue virus) and MOYO-R (MR, refractory to dengue virus) at 3 hr and 18 hr after infection with dengue virus (seroptype-2). The test samples were prepared in parallel to the control samples. The control samples were derived from females fed with normal blood that was not mixed with dengue (mock infection). The test samples were prepared from females that were fed with blood mixed with dengue virus (infectious meal). A total of 12 test samples were prepared that represented three biological replicates of dengue infected MS females at 3hr and 18 post-infection times; and MR females at 3hr and 18hr post-infection times. The test samples were compared to a common uninfected control that was prepared by pooling equal amount RNA of the individual control of both strains and both post-infection time points (MS at 3hr, MS at 18 hr, MR at 3hr and MR at 18hr). The control-pool strategy ensured us to identify genes that were responsive in response to dengue infection but not due to genetic differences between the two strains or developmental changes between the two post-infection time points.

A total of 3 control pools were used in our array expression studies. Control-1 was prepared from RNA isolated from individual controls set up along with each of the test samples (MS at 3hr, MS at 18 hr, MR at 3hr and MR at 18hr) for the first biological replication. Similarly, control-2 was prepared from individual controls set up along with each of the test samples (MS at 3hr, MS at 18 hr, MR at 3hr and MR at 18hr) for the second biological replication. And control-3 was prepared from individual controls set up along with each of the test samples (MS at 3hr, MS at 18 hr, MR at 3hr and MR at 18hr) for the third biological replication. Thus, the three control pools represented three biological replicates corresponding to the three biological replicates of the test samples.
Contributor(s) Behura SK, Severson DW
Citation(s) 22102922, 23777277, 22705463, 21040044, 22579482
Submission date Jun 11, 2009
Last update date Feb 13, 2020
Contact name David W Severson
Organization name University of Notre Dame
Department Dept. of Biological Sciences
Street address Galvin Life Science
State/province IN
ZIP/Postal code 46556
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL8705 Custom NimbleGen Aedes aegypti Expression Array [Design 6336]
Samples (15)
GSM415952 MOYO-S; 3 hr, replication 1
GSM416239 MOYO-S; 3 hr, replication 2
GSM416240 MOYO-S; 3 hr, replication 3
BioProject PRJNA116201

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GSE16563_RAW.tar 107.2 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of PAIR)
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