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Series GSE163777 Query DataSets for GSE163777
Status Public on Mar 31, 2021
Title Portal fibroblasts with mesenchymal stem cell features form a reservoir of proliferative myofibroblasts in liver fibrosis
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Portal mesenchymal cells represent a very small amount of cells. They are tightly bound to the bile duct and portal vascular structures, relying on basement membranes. In the present study, we set up a specific procedure to isolate portal mesenchymal cells, for scRNAseq analysis. We identified 16 distinct cell clusters, including fibroblasts (5 clusters), vascular smooth muscle cells (VSCMs, 5 clusters), endothelial cells (4 clusters), HSCs (1 cluster) and mesothelial cells (1 cluster).
Overall design First, we isolated fragments of the bilio-vascular tree from mouse liver. Next, bilio-vascular fragments were submitted to enzymatic digestion, resulting in a single-cell suspension. The cell suspension was depleted in cells expressing the lineage (Lin) markers of cholangiocytes (EpCAM), endothelial cells (CD31), and hematopoietic cells (CD45 and CD11b) by means of cell sorting. Lin-negative single-cell suspension was processed to generate a scRNAseq cDNA library using the 10x Genomics technology.
Contributor(s) Guégan J, Lei L, Cadoret A, Housset C
Citation(s) 35278227
Submission date Dec 23, 2020
Last update date Nov 16, 2023
Contact name Axelle Cadoret
Organization name INSERM
Department UMRS938 CRSA
Street address 27 rue de Chaligny
ZIP/Postal code 75012
Country France
Platforms (1)
GPL19057 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Mus musculus)
Samples (1)
GSM4987107 Lin-negative single-cell of bilio-vascular tree fragments
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE164039 Portal fibroblasts with mesenchymal stem cell features form a reservoir of proliferative myofibroblasts in liver fibrosis
BioProject PRJNA687508
SRA SRP299106

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GSE163777_RAW.tar 59.1 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of MTX, TSV)
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