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Series GSE162668 Query DataSets for GSE162668
Status Public on Oct 12, 2021
Title Disruption of higher order nuclear condensates by a dominant negative FOXN1 mutation causes immunodeficiency
Organisms Homo sapiens; Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary The transcription factor FOXN1 acts in a gene-dosage sensitive way as a master regulator of thymic epithelial cell development and maintenance enabling effective thymopoiesis. Its autosomal recessive loss of function is the molecular cause of the “nude” phenotype, a severe combined immunodeficiency caused by athymia. Here we report on a spontaneously occurring, novel heterozygous FOXN1 mutation that initially permits regular thymus organogenesis but results in a failure of thymic maintenance beyond late stages of human gestation. Modeling the mutation in mice results in divergent disruptions of normal TEC subtype differentiation and function. Transcriptionally inactive, the mutant disrupts the formation of wild type FOXN1 homo-multimers and occupies canonical DNA binding sites, at which it operates in a dominant negative fashion to displace wild type FOXN1 from nuclear condensates. Comparing the interactome of the mutant and wild type FOXN1 identified binding partners that uniquely interact with wild type FOXN1 and are characteristic constituents of nuclear organelles required for transcription. Mutant FOXN1 moves in and out of condensates over a time-course indistinguishable from that of wild type FOXN1, suggesting that the mutation did not affect the molecular movement of FOXN1. Thus, we have identified a clinically relevant gain of function mutation of FOXN1 that actively prevents the transcriptional activity of wild type FOXN1 and provides critical insight into the mechanism by which FOXN1 operates in controlling sustained gene expression necessary for normal thymic epithelial cell differentiation, maintenance and function.
Overall design mTEC4D6 cell lines - RNA-seq: WT-FOXN1, d550-FOXN1, WT-FOXN1/d550-FOXN1 and empty control (n = 3 for each); ChIP-seq: WT-FOXN1, d550-FOXN1, WT-FOXN1-input and d550-FOXN1-input (n = 3 for each); mouse model - 10X gene expression: wt/wt-Foxn1 and d505/wt-Foxn1 (n = 3 for each at 5 weeks and 16 weeks of age)
Contributor(s) Handel A, Rota I, Holländer G
Citation(s) 34860543
Submission date Dec 04, 2020
Last update date Jan 06, 2022
Contact name Adam Handel
Organization name University of Oxford
Department Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine
Street address John Radcliffe Hospital
City Oxford
ZIP/Postal code OX3 9DS
Country United Kingdom
Platforms (2)
GPL24247 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Mus musculus)
GPL24676 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (36)
BioProject PRJNA682592
SRA SRP295891

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GSE162668_FOXN1_mTEC4D6_wt_d550_unadj.counts.txt.gz 623.0 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE162668_Foxn1TECwtd505_10X.counts.txt.gz 156.0 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE162668_Foxn1TECwtd505_10X_metadata.txt.gz 384.9 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE162668_mTEC4D6WT1_merged_vs_input_merged_IDR_0.05_MAPQ_10_minus_blacklist.narrowPeak.gz 275.7 Kb (ftp)(http) NARROWPEAK
GSE162668_mTEC4D6mut1IP_merged_vs_input_merged_IDR_0.05_MAPQ_10_minus_blacklist.narrowPeak.gz 430.6 Kb (ftp)(http) NARROWPEAK
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