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Series GSE159521 Query DataSets for GSE159521
Status Public on May 17, 2021
Title RegAB Two-Component System Homolog of Burkholderia pseudomallei is the Master Regulator of Redox Control and involved in Virulence.
Platform organism Burkholderia pseudomallei K96243
Sample organism Burkholderia pseudomallei
Experiment type Expression profiling by genome tiling array
Summary Burkholderia pseudomallei, the etiological agent of melioidosis in humans and animals, often occupies environmental niches and infection sites characterized by limited concentrations of oxygen. Versatile genomic features enable this pathogen to maintain its physiology and virulence under hypoxia, but the crucial regulatory networks employed to switch from oxygen dependent respiration to alternative terminal electron acceptors (TEA) like nitrate, remains poorly understood. Here, we combined a Tn5 transposon mutagenesis screen and an anaerobic growth screen to identify a two-component signal transduction system with homology to RegAB. We show that RegAB is not only essential for anaerobic growth, but also for full virulence in cell lines and a mouse infection model. Further investigations of the RegAB regulon, using a global transcriptomic approach, identified 20 additional regulators under transcriptional control of RegAB, indicating a superordinate role of RegAB in the B. pseudomallei anaerobiosis regulatory network. Of the 20 identified regulators, NarX/L and a FNR homolog were selected for further analyses and a role in adaptation to anaerobic conditions was demonstrated. Growth experiments identified nitrate and intermediates of the denitrification process as the likely signal activateing RegAB, NarX/L, and probably of the downstream regulators Dnr or NsrR homologs. While deletions of individual genes involved in the denitrification process demonstrated their important role in anaerobic fitness, they showed no effect on virulence. This further highlights the central role of RegAB as the master regulator of anaerobic metabolism in B. pseudomallei and that the complete RegAB-mediated response is required to achieve full virulence. In summary, our analysis of the RegAB-dependent modulon and its interconnected regulons revealed a key role for RegAB of B. pseudomallei in the coordination of the response to hypoxic conditions and virulence, in the environment and the host.
Overall design The transcriptome profiles of Burkholderia pseudomallei wild type strain E8 and corresponding mutant strains (DregA, DnarL, Dfnr) exposed to several growth conditions (Lysogeny broth (LB) exponential growth, aerobic and anaerobic conditions w/ and /or w/o nitrate) were captured and compared using a custom-designed tiling microarray to elucidate the RegAB, NarXL and FNR dependent regulons. Three biological replicates per strain and condition were used.
Contributor(s) Phenn J, Kohler C
Citation(s) 34048488
Submission date Oct 19, 2020
Last update date Jun 15, 2021
Contact name Christian Kohler
Organization name University Medicine Greifswald
Department Friedrich Loeffler Institue of Medical Microbiology
Street address Ferdinand Sauerbruch Strasse 1
City Greifswald
ZIP/Postal code 17489
Country Germany
Platforms (1)
GPL16432 NimbleGen Burkholderia pseudomallei K96243 385K tiling array [071211_BPK96243_CO_Tiling]
Samples (44)
GSM4831722 Array wild type_aerobic1
GSM4831723 Array wild type_aerobic2
GSM4831724 Array wild type_aerobic3
BioProject PRJNA669986

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GSE159521_RAW.tar 368.9 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of PAIR, TXT)
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