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Series GSE154999 Query DataSets for GSE154999
Status Public on Oct 25, 2021
Title Retinoic acid rewires the adrenergic core regulatory circuitry of neuroblastoma but can be subverted by enhancer hijacking of MYC or MYCN (ChIP-Seq)
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Neuroblastoma cell identity depends on a core regulatory circuit (CRC) of transcription factors that incorporate MYCN to drive the oncogenic gene expression program. For neuroblastomas dependent on the adrenergic CRC, treatment with retinoids can inhibit cell growth and induce differentiation in both primary neuroblastomas and cell lines; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here we show that when MYCN-amplified neuroblastomas cells are treated with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), they undergo modifications of histone H3K27 acetylation and methylation that decommission super-enhancers driving the expression of PHOX2B and GATA3, together with the activation of new super-enhancers that drive high levels of expression of MEIS1, HIC1 and SOX4. These findings indicate that treatment with ATRA can reprogram the enhancer landscape to collapse the adrenergic CRC, which downregulates MYCN expression, while upregulating a new “retino-sympathetic” CRC that causes proliferative arrest and sympathetic differentiation. Thus, we provide mechanisms that account for the beneficial effects of retinoids against high-risk neuroblastoma and explain the rapid downregulation of expression of MYCN despite massive levels of gene amplification.
Overall design ChIP-Seq against transcription factors or H3K27ac-modified histones in neuroblastoma cell lines treated with all-trans retionoic acid
Contributor(s) Zimmerman MW, Durbin AD, He S, Berezovskaya A, Oppel F, Shi H, Tao T, Li Z, Liu Y, Zhang J, Young RA, Abraham BJ, Look AT
Citation(s) 34669465
Submission date Jul 23, 2020
Last update date Nov 05, 2021
Contact name Richard A Young
Phone 617-258-5219
Organization name Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Lab Young Lab
Street address 9 Cambridge Center
City Cambridge
State/province MA
ZIP/Postal code 02142
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL18573 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (21)
GSM4693004 BE2C_ATRA_12d_Input_MWZ5969 [Lab: Look]
GSM4693005 BE2C_ATRA_12d_RARA_MWZ5969 [Lab: Look]
GSM4693006 BE2C_ATRA_H3K27ac_MWZ7304 [Lab: Look]
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE155002 Retinoic acid rewires the adrenergic core regulatory circuitry of neuroblastoma but can be subverted by enhancer hijacking of MYC or MYCN
BioProject PRJNA648260
SRA SRP273476

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GSE154999_RAW.tar 1.5 Gb (http)(custom) TAR (of WIG)
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