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Series GSE153723 Query DataSets for GSE153723
Status Public on May 05, 2021
Title The molecular landscape of neural differentiation inthe developing Drosophila brain revealed by targeted scRNA-seq and multi-informatic analysis
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary In this work, Michki et. al. isolate neurons and neural progenitors from the developing Drosophila brain. Through a combination of in silico and in situ techniques, they map out the expression dynamics of a variety of molecular factors that may play a role in specifying terminal neural fates at the RNA level, and provide tools to enable similar analyses to be performed in other systems.
Overall design R9D11-Gal4 genetic driver was used with a UAS:hH2B-2xmNG reporter to label type-II neural lineages in third instar larval brains. 20 brains were dissected, dissociated, and sorted on a Sony MA900 FACS machine. 10,000 cells were sequenced in a single lane of a 10Xchromium chip using their v3 chemistry. Cells were sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq/HiSeq4000 with 400M reads allocated to this library. 6092 cells were identified with a mean read count of 97,604 reads/cell when aligned to the BDGP6(2014-07) Drosophila genome assembly from ENSEMBL using STAR. Downstream filtering and analysis were performed using scanpy.
Contributor(s) Michki NS, Li Y, Sanjasaz K, Zhao Y, Shen F, Walker LA, Cao W, Lee C, Cai D
Citation(s) 33909998
Submission date Jul 02, 2020
Last update date May 05, 2021
Contact name Sylvia N Michki
Organization name Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Department Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine
Street address 3615 Civic Center Blvd
City Philadelphia
State/province PA
ZIP/Postal code 19104
Country USA
Platforms (2)
GPL21306 Illumina HiSeq 4000 (Drosophila melanogaster)
GPL25244 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Drosophila melanogaster)
Samples (2)
GSM4650241 L3_R9D11_10Xv3
GSM5028304 L3_R9D11_10Xv2
BioProject PRJNA643805
SRA SRP269777

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GSE153723_typeII_OL_merged.h5ad.gz 87.9 Mb (ftp)(http) H5AD
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