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Series GSE148020 Query DataSets for GSE148020
Status Public on Sep 20, 2020
Title Genetic landscape and autoimmunity of monocytes in developing Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease is a systemic autoimmune disorder affecting multiple organs, including eyes, skin, and central nervous system. It is known that monocytes significantly contribute to the development of autoimmune disease. However, the subset heterogeneity with unique functions and signatures in human circulating monocytes and the identity of disease-specific monocytic populations remain largely unknown. Here, we employed an advanced single-cell RNA sequencing technology to systematically analyze 11259 human circulating monocytes and genetically defined their subpopulations. We constructed a precise atlas of human blood monocytes,identified 6 subpopulations: including S100A12-; HLA-; CD16-; proinflammatory-; megakaryocyte-like-; and NK-like-monocytes subsets, and uncovered 2 previously unidentified subsets: HLA- and megakaryocyte-like monocyte subsets. Relative to healthy individuals, cellular composition, gene expression signatures, and activation states were markedly alternated in VKH patients utilizing cell type-specific programs, especially the CD16- and proinflammatory monocyte subpopulation. Notably, we discovered a disease-relevant subgroup, proinflammatory monocytes, which showed a discriminative gene expression signature indicative of inflammation, antiviral activity, and pathologic activation, and converted into pathologic activation state implicating the active inflammation during VKH disease. Additionally, we found the cell type-specific transcriptional signature of proinflammatory monocytes, ISG15, which could act as a disease biomarker to more accurately reflect disease activity and treatment response than symptom evaluation. Taken together, in this landmark study we present novel discoveries on accurate classification, molecular markers, and signaling pathways for VKH disease-associated monocytes and therapeutically targeting this proinflammatory monocyte subpopulation would provide an attractive approach for treating VKH as well as other autoimmune diseases.
Overall design 10X single cell RNA-seq from 3 normal people and 3 VHK patient
Contributor(s) Hu Y, Xiao Y
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Submission date Apr 02, 2020
Last update date Sep 22, 2020
Contact name yuhua xiao
Phone 18728192414
Organization name Sun Yat-sen University
Department zhongshan Ophthalmic center
Street address jinsui load
City guangzhou
State/province guangdong province
ZIP/Postal code 510627
Country China
Platforms (1)
GPL11154 Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (6)
GSM4452320 normal rep1
GSM4452321 normal rep2
GSM4452322 normal rep3
BioProject PRJNA622822
SRA SRP255078

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GSE148020_RAW.tar 295.5 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TAR)
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