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Series GSE142805 Query DataSets for GSE142805
Status Public on Jan 07, 2020
Title Regulation of nitrous oxide production in low oxygen waters off the coast of Peru [BC016]
Platform organism Archaea
Sample organisms synthetic construct; seawater metagenome
Experiment type Other
Summary Oxygen deficient zones (ODZs) are major sites of net natural oceanic nitrous oxide (N2O) production and emissions. In order to understand changes in the magnitude of N2O production in response to global change, knowledge on the individual contributions of the major microbial pathways (nitrification and denitrification) to N2O production and their regulation is needed. In the ODZ of the coastal area off Peru, the sensitivity of N2O production to oxygen and organic matter was investigated using 15N-tracer experiments in combination with qPCR and microarray analysis of total and active functional genes targeting archaeal amoA and nirS as marker genes for nitrification and denitrification, respectively. Denitrification was responsible for the highest N2O production with mean 8.7 nmol L-1 d-1 but up to 118 ± 27.8 nmol L-1 d-1 just below the oxic-anoxic interface. Highest N2O production from AO of 0.16 ± 0.003 nmol L-1 d-1 occurred in the upper oxycline at O2 concentrations of 10 - 30 µmol L-1 which coincided with highest archaeal amoA transcripts/genes. Oxygen responses of N2O production varied with substrate, but production and yields were generally highest below 10 µmol L-1 O2. Particulate organic matter additions increased N2O production by denitrification up to 5-fold suggesting increased N2O production during times of high particulate organic matter export. High N2O yields from ammonium oxidation of 2.1% were measured, but the overall contribution to N2O production stays an order of magnitude behind denitrification as an N2O source. Hence, these findings show that denitrification is the most important N2O production process in low oxygen conditions fueled by organic carbon supply which implies a positive feedback of the total oceanic N2O sources in response to increasing oceanic deoxygenation.
[SUBMITTER_CITATION]: Frey, C., Bange, H. W., Achterberg, E. P., Jayakumar, A., Löscher, C. R., Arévalo-Martínez, D. L., León-Palmero, E., Sun, M., Sun, X., Xie, R. C., Oleynik, S., and Ward, B. B.: Regulation of nitrous oxide production in low-oxygen waters off the coast of Peru, Biogeosciences, 17, 2263-2287
Overall design Two color array (Cy3 and Cy5): the universal standard 20-mer oligo is printed to the slide with a 70-mer oligo (an archetype). Environmental DNA sequences (labeled with Cy3) within 15% identithy of the 70-mer conjugated to a 20-mer oligo (labeled with Cy5) complementary to the universal standard will bind to the oligo probes on the array. Signal is the ratio of Cy3 to Cy5. Three replicate probes were printed for each archetype. Two replicate arrays were run on duplicate targets.
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Contributor(s) Frey C, Achterberg E, Jayakumar A, Löscher CR, Arévalo-Martínez DL, León-Palmero E, Sun M, Bange HW, Xie RC, Xin S, Oleynik S, Ward B
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Submission date Dec 31, 2019
Last update date Jul 07, 2020
Contact name Bess B Ward
Phone 6092585150
Organization name Princeton University
Department Geosciences
Lab Guyot Hall
Street address Washington Road
City Princeton
State/province NJ
ZIP/Postal code 08544
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL20807 BC016 Archaea Array
Samples (32)
GSM4240346 water column DNA_ETSP_Sample2_300m
GSM4240347 water column DNA_ETSP_Sample1_350m
GSM4240348 water column DNA_ETSP_Sample3_260m
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE142806 Regulation of nitrous oxide production in low oxygen waters off the coast of Peru
BioProject PRJNA599162

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GSE142805_RAW.tar 3.5 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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