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Series GSE134678 Query DataSets for GSE134678
Status Public on Oct 23, 2019
Title Massively parallel characterization of regulatory dynamics during neural induction [RNA-seq II]
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary The molecular components governing neural induction remain largely unknown. Here, we used a suite of genomic and computational tools to comprehensively identify these components. We performed RNA-seq, ChIP-seq (H3K27ac, H3K27me3) and ATAC-seq on human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) at seven early neural differentiation time points (0-72 hours) and identified thousands of induced genes and their putative regulatory regions. We analyzed the function of ~2,500 selected regions using massively parallel reporter assays at all time points. We found numerous temporal enhancers that correlated with similarly timed epigenetic marks and gene expression. Development of a prioritization method that incorporated all genomic data identified key transcription factors (TFs) involved in neural induction. Individual overexpression of eleven TFs and several combinations in hESCs found novel neural induction regulators. Combined, our results provide a comprehensive map of genes and functional regulatory elements involved in neural induction and identify master regulator TFs that are instrumental for this process.
Overall design RNA-seq (3 replicates), ChIP-seq (H3K27ac, H3K27me3 - 2 replicates) and ATAC-seq (3 replicates) were preformed on human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) at seven early neural differentiation time points (0-72 hours). Moreover, the function of ~2,500 selected regions was analyzed using massively parallel reporter assays at all time points (3 replicates). Additionally, RNA-seq (3 replicates) was performed on hESCs at 14 hours after overexpression of candidte TFs and controls.
Contributor(s) Inoue F, Kreimer A, Ahituv N, Yosef N
Citation(s) 31631012, 38296821, 39337329
Submission date Jul 22, 2019
Last update date Oct 10, 2024
Contact name Anat Kreimer
Organization name University of California, Berkeley
Street address 378 Stanley Hall
City Berkeley
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94720
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL24676 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (24)
GSM3963272 RNAseq_BARHL1 rep 1
GSM3963273 RNAseq_BARHL1 rep 2
GSM3963274 RNAseq_BARHL1 rep 3
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE115046 Massively parallel characterization of regulatory dynamics during neural induction
BioProject PRJNA556031
SRA SRP215959

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GSE134678_rsem_featureCountsTable.txt.gz 922.1 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
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