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Series GSE120732 Query DataSets for GSE120732
Status Public on Aug 12, 2020
Title Transcriptome analysis of hiHepPCs in various culture conditions, human liver-derived hepatocytes, human liver-derived cholangiocytes, HUVECs, and HPBECs
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Transcriptome analysis of human induced hepatic progenitor cells (hiHepPCs) in various culture conditions, human liver-derived hepatocytes, human liver-derived cholangiocytes, human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), and human peripheral blood-derived endothelial cells (HPBECs)

We found that a specific combination of three transcription factors, FOXA3, HNF1A, and HNF6, could convert HUVECs and HPBECs into cells that closely resembled hepatic progenitor cells in vitro. These hiHepPCs were expandable in long-term culture and able to differentiate into hepatocytes and cholangiocytes in accordance with their culture conditions. We conducted RNA-seq analyses to investigate the characteristincs of hiHepPCs and their progenies, in addition to those of parental HUVECs, HPBECs, and human liver-derived cells.
Overall design RNA-seq analyses for HUVECs (HUVEC-1 and HUVEC-2), HUVEC-derived hiHepPCs in monolayer (HUVEC-hiHepPC-2D-1, HUVEC-hiHepPC-2D-2, HUVEC-hiHepPC-2D-3, HUVEC-hiHepPC-2D-P16-1, HUVEC-hiHepPC-2D-P16-2, and HUVEC-hiHepPC-2D-P16-3), cell aggregate (HUVEC-hiHepPC-aggregate-1, HUVEC-hiHepPC-aggregate-2, and HUVEC-hiHepPC-aggregate-3), and spheroid cultures (HUVEC-hiHepPC-sheroid-1, HUVEC-hiHepPC-sheroid-2, and HUVEC-hiHepPC-sheroid-3), HPBECs (HPBEC-1 and HPBEC-2), HPBEC-derived hiHepPCs in monolayer (HPBEC-hiHepPC-2D-1 and HPBEC-hiHepPC-2D-2), cell aggregate (HPBEC-hiHepPC-aggregate-1 and HPBEC-hiHepPC-aggregate-2), and spheroid cultures (HPBEC-hiHepPC-spheroid-1 and HPBEC-hiHepPC-spheroid-2), human cholangiocyte-derived spheroids (human-cholangiocyte-spheroid-culture), and non-cultured human hepatocytes (human-hepatocyte-1 and human-hepatocyte-2).
Contributor(s) Suzuki A, Ohkawa Y, Matsuda-Ito K, Horisawa K, Inada H
Citation(s) 33087715
Submission date Oct 02, 2018
Last update date Nov 02, 2020
Contact name Atsushi Suzuki
Organization name Kyushu University
Department Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Lab Division of Organogenesis and Regeneration
Street address 3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku
City Fukuoka
State/province Fukuoka
ZIP/Postal code 812-8582
Country Japan
Platforms (2)
GPL15520 Illumina MiSeq (Homo sapiens)
GPL18460 Illumina HiSeq 1500 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (25)
GSM3409451 HUVEC-1
GSM3409452 HUVEC-2
GSM3409453 HUVEC-hiHepPC-2D-1
BioProject PRJNA494323
SRA SRP163125

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GSE120732_umis-2.txt.gz 480.4 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE120732_umis.txt.gz 863.4 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
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