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Series GSE115511 Query DataSets for GSE115511
Status Public on Jun 09, 2018
Title Drosophila melanogaster late third instar larval ovary and gonadal fatbody polyA+ RNA-Seq profiling.
Organism Drosophila melanogaster
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Here we perform transcriptional profiling of late third instar larval ovaries and gonadal fatbody from Drosophila melanogaster w1118 flies. We designed this experiment to investigate the effect of protease treatment on dissected ovaries. We profiled ovaries without protease treatment with some fatbody still attached, fatbody alone dissected from around the ovaries, ovaries cleaned of fatbody using a papain/collagenase cocktail, and ovaries dissociated using a papain/collagenase cocktail. We then constructed polyA+ libraries and performed 50 bp stranded single end RNA-Seq.
Overall design For each sample type we pooled 10-30 ovaries and collected biological quadruplicates. Sample types include: ovaries with some remaining fatbody (OF), fatbody dissected from around ovaries (FO), ovaries cleaned of fatbody using a papain/collagenase cocktail (OCP), and ovaries dissociated using a papain/collagenase cocktail (ODP). Within a sample type, pools of ovaries were collected at the same time, and different replicates and treatments were collected on different days. Samples were stored at -80ÂșC until RNA extraction and library preparation. We extracted RNA and constructed libraries simultaneously for all samples in a 96 well plate.
Contributor(s) Mahadevaraju S, Fear JM, Oliver B
Citation(s) 33563972
Submission date Jun 08, 2018
Last update date Feb 22, 2021
Contact name Brian Oliver
Phone 301-204-9463
Organization name NIDDK, NIH
Department LBG
Lab Developmental Genomics
Street address 50 South Drive
City Bethesda
State/province MD
ZIP/Postal code 20892
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL17275 Illumina HiSeq 2500 (Drosophila melanogaster)
Samples (20)
GSM3179818 Third instar larval fat body from around ovary rep 1.
GSM3179819 Third instar larval fat body from around ovary rep 2.
GSM3179820 Third instar larval fat body from around ovary rep 3.
BioProject PRJNA475243
SRA SRP150067

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GSE115511_RAW.tar 66.4 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of BIGWIG, TXT)
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