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Series GSE113602 Query DataSets for GSE113602
Status Public on Apr 24, 2021
Title Single-cell RNA-seq of sorted CD8+ T cells from B16 melanoma tumors
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary The response of naive CD8 T cells to acute infections results in the generation of defined yet heterogeneous pools of effector and memory cells. In contrast, the complexity of tumor infiltrating CD8 T cell states is still not fully elucidated. To delineate the landscape of tumor infiltrating CD8 T cells in an unbiased manner, we performed single-cell (full-length) RNA-Seq of CD8 T cells infiltrating mouse B16 melanomas. Our analysis of cell heterogeneity revealed the presence of multiple distinct CD8 T cell subtypes including exhausted, terminal effector, naive and memory-like CD8 T cells, as well as novel intermediate states. TCR reconstruction and pseudotime ordering enabled us to follow differentiation of single clones and suggested distinct trajectories towards T-cell exhaustion.
Overall design single-cell (full-length) RNA-Seq of CD8 T cells infiltrating mouse B16 melanomas
Please note that [1] there are 192 samples included in the study, and the processed data was generated from the 135 quality filtered samples (filetering parameters are provided in the data processing steps) [2] The cell subtype information for each sample is described and provided in the associated publication.
Contributor(s) Singer M
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Submission date Apr 24, 2018
Last update date Apr 24, 2021
Contact name Aviv Regev
Organization name Broad Institute
Lab Regev Lab
Street address 415 MAIN ST
State/province MASSACHUSETTS
ZIP/Postal code 02142-1027
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL19057 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Mus musculus)
Samples (192)
GSM3109438 S10
GSM3109439 S298
GSM3109440 S11
BioProject PRJNA453200
SRA SRP142490

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE113602_index_CD8_all.csv.gz 642 b (ftp)(http) CSV
GSE113602_matrix_TPM_CD8TCELL_filtered_log2.csv.gz 1.2 Mb (ftp)(http) CSV
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