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Series GSE112417 Query DataSets for GSE112417
Status Public on Jun 08, 2018
Title Histone Variant H2A.Z Defines Cell Identity in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells as Revealed by Single-Cell Transcriptomics
Organisms Homo sapiens; Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary We applied single-cell RNA-Seq to analyze human diseased arteries, and identified histone variant H2A.Z as a key histone signature to maintain vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) identity. We show that H2A.Z occupies genomic regions near VSMC marker genes and its occupancy is decreased in VSMC undergoing dedifferentiation. Mechanistically, H2A.Z occupancy preferentially promotes nucleosome turnover, facilitates the recruitment of Smad3 and Med1 to VSMC marker genes, thereby activating gene expression. In human diseased vascular tissue, H2A.Z expression dramatically decreased. Notably, in vivo overexpression of H2A.Z rescued injury-induced loss of VSMC identity and neointima formation. Together, our data introduce dynamic occupancy of histone variant as a novel regulatory basis contributing to cell fate decisions, and imply H2A.Z as a potential intervention node for vascular diseases.
Overall design Single-cell RNA-seq of human diseased arteries; ChIP-seq of H2A.Z, SMAD3, SRF and MED1 in wild-type cultured vscular smooth muscle cells;VSMC nucleosome occupancy by Mnase.

Please note that, given the number of raw files associated with each sample, two sample records have been created for each scRNA-seq sample (e.g. SC_92467_1 & _2, SC_92558_1 & _2).
Contributor(s) Wang L, Yu P, Yao F, Yuan X
Citation(s) 29871976
Submission date Mar 28, 2018
Last update date Mar 26, 2019
Contact name Li Wang
Organization name NIH
Street address 111 T.W. Alexander Dr
City Durham
ZIP/Postal code 27709
Country USA
Platforms (2)
GPL18573 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Homo sapiens)
GPL19057 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Mus musculus)
Samples (52)
GSM3069820 SC_92467_1
GSM3069821 SC_92467_2
GSM3069822 SC_92558_1
BioProject PRJNA445961
SRA SRP136608

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE112417_H2AZKD_mm9_rnaseq.bigWig 162.5 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_NT_mm9_rnaseq.bigWig 161.9 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_RAW.tar 9.7 Gb (http)(custom) TAR (of BIGWIG)
GSE112417_VSMC_FBS_starve_rna_logFC.txt.gz 238.8 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSE112417_VSMC_H2AZ_ChIP.bigWig 635.5 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_VSMC_H2AZ_Input.bigWig 544.1 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_VSMC_P10_RNAseq.bigWig 209.5 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_VSMC_P1_RNAseq.bigWig 232.2 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_VSMC_sc_umi.csv.gz 2.2 Mb (ftp)(http) CSV
GSE112417_shH2AZ_Input.bigWig 652.4 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_shH2AZ_Med1_merge.bigWig 413.7 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_shH2AZ_SRF.bigWig 179.1 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_shH2AZ_Smad3_merge.bigWig 584.5 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_shNT_Input.bigWig 678.9 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_shNT_Med1_merge.bigWig 432.6 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_shNT_SRF.bigWig 228.5 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_shNT_Smad3_merge.bigWig 467.0 Mb (ftp)(http) BIGWIG
GSE112417_vsmc_singlecell_info.txt.gz 24.3 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
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