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Series GSE108086 Query DataSets for GSE108086
Status Public on Dec 11, 2018
Title Epigenetic control of genes and transposable elements [ATAC-seq]
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Epigenetic control is an elaborate system the cell uses to control aspects of cell type and gene control. Histones and DNA are chemically modified to signal epigenetic information as to whether a gene is active or inactive, and so maintain cell type stability. Whilst epigenetic control of genes has been explored, the control of the rest of the genome is less well explored. The bulk of DNA and chromatin consists of repetitive elements, not genes, and these TEs must be tightly regulated to provide structure and function for nearby genes and, ultimately, cell type control. In this project we explore the intereaction of epigenetic control factors, and inhibitors, and how perturbation of the epigenetic control system disrupts TE regulation inside embryonic stem cells.
Overall design We analyzed the transcriptome expression profiles (RNA-seq) and chromation accessibility (ATAC-seq) upon specific epigenetic perturbation
Contributor(s) He J, Hutchins AP
Citation(s) 30604769
Submission date Dec 14, 2017
Last update date Mar 25, 2019
Contact name Jiangping He
Organization name Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), CAS
Street address Kai yuan avenue 190
City GuangZhou
ZIP/Postal code 510530
Country China
Platforms (1)
GPL19057 Illumina NextSeq 500 (Mus musculus)
Samples (20)
GSM2889287 shGFP (ATAC-seq)
GSM2889288 shKat5 rep#1 (ATAC-seq)
GSM2889289 shKat5 rep#2 (ATAC-seq)
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE108091 Epigenetic control of genes and transposable elements
BioProject PRJNA422437
SRA SRP126771

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GSE108086_RAW.tar 4.4 Gb (http)(custom) TAR (of BED, BW)
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