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Platform GPL4001 Query DataSets for GPL4001
Status Public on Dec 22, 2006
Title University of London Bacterial Microarray Group at St George's S. pneumoniae 2.3K
Technology type spotted DNA/cDNA
Distribution non-commercial
Organism Streptococcus pneumoniae
Manufacturer The Bacterial Microarray Group at St George's, University of London (BµG@S)
Manufacture protocol See the website of The Bacterial Microarray Group at St George's, University of London
Description The S.pneumoniae array was designed using the TIGR4 strain as a base strain with annotation described in Tettelin et al (2001) Science 293: 498-506. PCR primers were designed and products ampilifed to 2236 target genes. The genes extra to strain R6 where identified from the annotation described in Hoskins et al (2001) J. Bacteriol. 183: 5709-5717. PCR primers were thus designed to 117 R6 target genes and added to the array
Submission date Jul 16, 2006
Last update date Dec 22, 2006
Contact name Alistair Standish
Organization name University of Adelaide
Department School of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences
Street address North Terrace
City Adelaide
State/province S.A.
ZIP/Postal code 5005
Country Australia
Samples (28) GSM120590, GSM120607, GSM120608, GSM120609, GSM120805, GSM120806 
Series (3)
GSE5322 Investigation of pneumococcal two-component signal transduction system RR/HK06 in D39
GSE5330 Investigation of pneumococcal two-component signal transduction system RR/HK06 in TIGR4
GSE73217 Characterization of Pneumococcal Genes Involved in Bloodstream Invasion in a Mouse Model

Data table header descriptions
Block Microarray block index
Column Microarray column index
Row Microarray row index
SP ID Sp identification number. SpTIGR4 = TIGR4 sequence (Tettelin et al (2001) Science 293: 498-506). SpR6 = R6 Sequence ( Hoskins et al (2001) J. Bacteriol. 183: 5709-5717.)

Data table
ID Block Column Row SP ID ORF SPOT_ID
1 1 1 1 111Cy3 lights (8A12) 111Cy3 lights (8A12)
2 1 1 2 112SC-Calibration_01 (9A4) 112SC-Calibration_01 (9A4)
3 1 1 3 113SpTIGR4-2144 (6E16) Sp2144
4 1 1 4 114SpTIGR4-1980 (6A8) Sp1980
5 1 1 5 115SpTIGR4-1820 (5A24) Sp1820
6 1 1 6 116SpTIGR4-1728 (5M12) Sp1728
7 1 1 7 117SpTIGR4-1664 (5M4) Sp1664
8 1 1 8 118SpTIGR4-1500 (4I20) Sp1500
9 1 1 9 119SpTIGR4-1340 (4I12) Sp1340
10 1 1 10 1110SpTIGR4-1280 (4M4) Sp1280
11 1 1 11 1111SpTIGR4-1119 (3M20) Sp1119
12 1 1 12 1112SpTIGR4-0863 (3E12) Sp0863
13 1 1 13 1113SpTIGR4-0795 (3A4) Sp0795
14 1 1 14 1114SpTIGR4-0699 (2I16) Sp0699
15 1 1 15 1115SpTIGR4-0445 (2E8) Sp0445
16 1 1 16 1116SpTIGR4-0349 (1M20) Sp0349
17 1 1 17 1117SpTIGR4-0185 (1I12) Sp0185
18 1 1 18 1118SpTIGR4-0025 (1A4) Sp0025
19 1 1 19 1119Cy5 lights (8E12) 1119Cy5 lights (8E12)
20 1 2 1 12150% DMSO (7M12) 12150% DMSO (7M12)

Total number of rows: 5776

Table truncated, full table size 267 Kbytes.

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